I Cant Be Part Of Jonathan's Chop Chop Government - Buhari (Page 6)

Date: 30-12-2011 3:31 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- etimoz at 31-12-2011 02:46 PM (13 years ago)
All mallams are the same,but the only person who could have made a difference in Naija is Babaginda he wanted to redeem his image. Buhari seems too desperate,he can't be trusted.
Posted: at 31-12-2011 02:46 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- abdulazeezkabir at 31-12-2011 02:49 PM (13 years ago)
May God have mercy on you.i believe you are not a good christian,no any good christian will use those harsh words you are using.while i dint blame you, your thinking faculty is very low.
Posted: at 31-12-2011 02:49 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- mcb_y at 31-12-2011 03:57 PM (13 years ago)
Now is the time to your tent oh ISRAEL IN ANOTHER HAND TO YOUR tent Nigerian's.Divide this country let everybody rule themselves okay.we tired of northerner's and westerner's let everybody rule their tribe's with one voice.I for see nothing to go well in Nigeria on less Nigeria is divided.To hell of being one Nigeria when my brother's are being killed in the north. 
Posted: at 31-12-2011 03:57 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- tmaxdon at 31-12-2011 04:07 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: bhass on 31-12-2011 11:09 AM
    It baffles be a lot that despite the fact that this information as contained in all history books have been confirmed to be authentic and is well known by all, some people like yourself still find it new. There had been books written before wikipedia ever existed but u adamnant nature won't allow you to know of these books..This is not time for me to lecture you. If u sincerely want to learn about islam, U know where to start from...let me suggetst.(since it seems u know a bit about internet..i mean u know the wikipedia!) I suggest u start from google.

Bhass,I can see you are very very intelligent by boycotting my questions..I am not arguing with you and if you in any way insult me its nothing to be angry about because a lot of people passed through school but they didn't allow school to pass through them,in other words they lack manner..I asked you simple questions..I am really interested in how,why and when Muslims entered Spain..who forced them to leave and so on.. You here saying rubbish..I didn't read that from the Internet,I was thought in a Spanish school in Barcelona..Talking about Islam,half of my relatives are still Muslims till date and I know much about Christianity and Islam..so don't be confused Brother...just answer the questions ...you can't in anyway lecture me If I need any lecture about Islam,I have people who are from the same origin with Islam as friends so they know better than you do..
Posted: at 31-12-2011 04:07 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- bhass at 31-12-2011 06:06 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: tmaxdon on 31-12-2011 04:07 PM
Bhass,I can see you are very very intelligent by boycotting my questions..I am not arguing with you and if you in any way insult me its nothing to be angry about because a lot of people passed through school but they didn't allow school to pass through them,in other words they lack manner..I asked you simple questions..I am really interested in how,why and when Muslims entered Spain..who forced them to leave and so on.. You here saying rubbish..I didn't read that from the Internet,I was thought in a Spanish school in Barcelona..Talking about Islam,half of my relatives are still Muslims till date and I know much about Christianity and Islam..so don't be confused Brother...just answer the questions ...you can't in anyway lecture me If I need any lecture about Islam,I have people who are from the same origin with Islam as friends so they know better than you do..

@tmaxdon Ohh yes..... its just so annoying to me  that some people make it seem like they did not pass through school at all though their parents might have wasted a lot of money on their "education"... it never really had any useful impact on them. U want to ask a question and could not think of a polite way to ask? I was wondering......what do u think you know about Islam?..Perharps ur lack of manners is what keeps u so ignorant or uninformed about this because how could someone who had studied in barcelona SPAIN!!! and has muslims as relatives and most Importantly has a lot of "knowledgeable" muslim friends..did not know that Islam ruled spain (cordoba beign capital) from a period 711-1492)? thats a period more than 700 years!!
  The conquest took place in the year 711 when the then governor of north Africa Musa bin Nusair in response to a plea from a christian chief julian against tyrannical Visigoth ruler of Spain, Roderick..sent an army of about 17,000 men under the command of the young general tariq bin zayd to spain. Since u said u studied in spain, u might now of a mountain there..its called Gibraltar. This name is coined from the term jabal tariq which means " the mountain of tariq". It is called so because it is the rock beside which the muslim army landed under the command of tariq. Tariq was an oustanding general with a lot of war skills. In a nutshell, the he Muslim army defeated the Visigoth army easily, and Roderick(then spanish ruler) was killed in battle.After the first victory, the Muslims conquered most of Spain and Portugal with little difficulty, and in fact with little opposition. By 720 Spain was largely under Muslim (or Moorish, as it was called) control.

  Golden Age
The muslim period in spain is described as the golden age..This is because spain thrived to its peak economically and commercially and there was an incredible understanding between the mulims and other religions in spain at that time. It is noted that Islam brought a civilization that had an impact not only on spain but on the whole of europe whom were still living in the dark ages with corruption and ignorance. The muslim rulers never oppressed the masses nor were they forced to convert to islam. They were left to practise their religion in peace and the muslims tolerated them and there is a spiritual understanding. Most of the spanish people converted at their own free will because they were impressed at the transparance and truthfullness of the muslims. They enjoyed the just leadership of the muslim rulers which is far from the corrupt past leadership of spain.  the Muslims in Spain established libraries, colleges, public baths  and literature, poetry and architecture flourished.
Spain, under Muslim rule, became a beacon of art, science and culture for Europe. Mosques, palaces, gardens, hospitals and libraries were built. Canals were repaired and new ones were dug. New crops were introduced from other parts of the Muslim empire and agricultural production increased. Andalus became the granary of the Maghrib. Manufacturing was encouraged and the silk and brocade work of the peninsula became well known in the trading centers of the world. Andalus was divided into four provinces and efficient administration was established. Cities increased in size and prosperity. Cordoba, the capital, became the premier city of Europe and by the 10th century had over one million inhabitants.
 This went on till 1492 when the muslim spain was defeated and muslims lost spain..the Christian rulers issued an order requiring all Muslims to convert to Christianity, (note this is in contrast to the muslim rule in spain. the muslim rulers never forecd any christian to convert) and when this didn't work, they imposed brutal restrictions on the remaining Spanish Muslims. The muslims were either asked to convert or get killed!.. what a cruel and satanic demand of the christians.

  Note that I cannot tell you the whold history here in nija pals.. summarised to shed some light on ur ignorance..U must research for urself if u re really interested in this as u claim to be.U might not here of this often because christina s in spain and europe hate to spread the information for it showed how truthfull islam is as a religion and how wrong they are
Posted: at 31-12-2011 06:06 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- bhass at 31-12-2011 06:16 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: dickman2 on 31-12-2011 01:53 PM
islamic is not a religion ..religion for mad poeple like u ....

Bravooo!!! Mr dickguy or dickman or wats dat name of urs.. Islam is a religiopn of mad people uhhh?
 then u mean..
1.6 billion population of the world is mad?
50.4% of Nigeria is mad?
all muslim nations who had achieved greatness in terms of wealth and power are mad?
 ohh come on dick, there should atleast be some sane people out of that large number dont you think?..cos if not,..how am i not sure u re not mad too.. I mean for u to have declared the craziest thing i ever had..
Posted: at 31-12-2011 06:16 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- dickman2 at 31-12-2011 06:26 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: bhass on 31-12-2011 06:16 PM
Bravooo!!! Mr dickguy or dickman or wats dat name of urs.. Islam is a religiopn of mad people uhhh?
 then u mean..
1.6 billion population of the world is mad?
50.4% of Nigeria is mad?
all muslim nations who had achieved greatness in terms of wealth and power are mad?
 ohh come on dick, there should atleast be some sane people out of that large number dont you think?..cos if not,..how am i not sure u re not mad too.. I mean for u to have declared the craziest thing i ever had..
i  said it and say it agian..islamic is not a religion..religion for mad poeple..even u ..so telling me about islamic religion,,i hate u all..we have problem allover  the planet just because of one stupid religion called islamic..,,,na mumu people religion..idiot like u...confuse human being..
Posted: at 31-12-2011 06:26 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- bhass at 31-12-2011 06:45 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: dickman2 on 31-12-2011 06:26 PM
i  said it and say it agian..islamic is not a religion..religion for mad poeple..even u ..so telling me about islamic religion,,i hate u all..we have problem allover  the planet just because of one stupid religion called islamic..,,,na mumu people religion..idiot like u...confuse human being..

OMG! I just discovered i wasted some five minutes on u the last time but am willing to waste just another one minute.. It is clear to everybody here that ur thinking faculty is extremely low and u argue blindly. DICK, this is ur life..why dont you find sometime and research well before coming into conclusions..ibstead, u base ur argument on what others say or possibly what daddy let u watch on tv.huh?..Islam is not a religion?Huh?Huh??? Have u lost ur mind?Huh??
    U said u hate who? muslims?..well who wanted ur love?? keep ur love and get consumated in ur hate ok?..Ur opinion is immaterial, Islam is the religion of peace and Muslims are peacefull people. regardless of what dick thinks.
Posted: at 31-12-2011 06:45 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- lertipha at 31-12-2011 09:01 PM (13 years ago)
I knew it that the guy called dickson is an escapee,an illitrate who was just opportuned to be on this site all because it is free.
Posted: at 31-12-2011 09:01 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- escapedprince at 31-12-2011 11:34 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: bhass on 31-12-2011 06:16 PM
Bravooo!!! Mr dickguy or dickman or wats dat name of urs.. Islam is a religiopn of mad people uhhh?
 then u mean..
1.6 billion population of the world is mad?
50.4% of Nigeria is mad?
all muslim nations who had achieved greatness in terms of wealth and power are mad?
 ohh come on dick, there should atleast be some sane people out of that large number dont you think?..cos if not,..how am i not sure u re not mad too.. I mean for u to have declared the craziest thing i ever had..
@ bhass I'll ask you this 'cause seems you've done your home work with regard to your religion,Every Muslim claim "islam is a religion of peace" why is strife,killings ,wanton destruction of properties, etc etc. Prevalent anywhere there are Moslems? ?? The Moslems are always at someone's throat, or always looking for a fight.why??? I'm looking forward to your answer , thanks.
Posted: at 31-12-2011 11:34 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- dickman2 at 1-01-2012 01:11 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 31-12-2011 09:01 PM
I knew it that the guy called dickson is an escapee,an illitrate who was just opportuned to be on this site all because it is free.
your father is an   escapee..if u have father..idiot..what is your own ..or u looking for trouble..i will give it to u..see me see this yeye girl...asawo pikin,,mad girl..
Posted: at 1-01-2012 01:11 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- deetom03 at 1-01-2012 01:28 AM (13 years ago)

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yU87JMtzEo" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yU87JMtzEo</a>

Posted: at 1-01-2012 01:28 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- bigbenjy at 1-01-2012 05:18 AM (13 years ago)
NIgerians are still living in fools paradise and being a so called christian i am so disgusted with the hate of other religion and tribal nonsense that spew from individuals mouths,you ignorant fools we keep on hating,  what has ebele done for nigeria if not to bring more shame to the nation he boasted and boasted i will do i will do but what has he done to a country of 200million nothing it is a shame only abuja is his country and bayelsa,we should be ashamed of this man he sold us to oyinbo for 1naira and we still talk what of him.and where in the bible do hate and discrimination of race,religion and tribal preference come in,we are cowards and that is why what happened in ivory coast,libya and other countries in africa will visit us if we dont stop all these and look at the bigger picture.IS RELIGION KEY TO HEAVEN? Angry

worship the creator not the creations
Posted: at 1-01-2012 05:18 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Dan_Fulani at 1-01-2012 05:46 AM (13 years ago)

The General Buhari made a good point when he said that President
Jonathan should cut the cost of governance and create jobs. Too
many people are unemployed in Nigeria. The government could
improve our infrastructures and create jobs for a few million people
constructing and repairing roads, schools, hospitals and other govt
approved infrastructures.

A lots of things need to be built to meet the needs of our citizens.
We need another hydroelectric project and Wind(mill) generated
sources of electricity.Rural towns and villages would benefit from this.

Dan Fulani
Posted: at 1-01-2012 05:46 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Dan_Fulani at 1-01-2012 05:59 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: teebaz990 on 30-12-2011 03:45 PM
Can someone tell this idiot to keep quiet. What ever he have to contribute he should keep to it himself. We have had enough of this ex generals

I think the General (Buhari) deserve praise for speaking out against
corruptions. It takes a lot of courage to reject a job where he could
take part in the looting of out treasury.

There is no other former head of state that is speaking out against
corruption. Bravo to a very courageous man.

dan fulani
Posted: at 1-01-2012 05:59 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Dan_Fulani at 1-01-2012 06:09 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: chisparlis on 30-12-2011 06:16 PM
Christians are the main fools, they should keep waiting and praying until God fight for them...mumu Christians.

What do you want Christians to do? Do you want them to pick up guns
and go to war against Boko Haram? There are people that are trained
for that job. They are called Police and Soldiers. Their job is to
provide safety and security for the nation.

It is not wise to ask or expect Christians to go to war against Muslims.

dan Fulani
Posted: at 1-01-2012 06:09 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- saaidismail at 1-01-2012 08:40 AM (13 years ago)
buhari still remain 1 of d most credible, honest n trust worthy leader we hv in naija
Posted: at 1-01-2012 08:40 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 1-01-2012 12:06 PM (13 years ago)
no doubt about that
Posted: at 1-01-2012 12:06 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- magas at 1-01-2012 01:20 PM (13 years ago)
i am so dissapointed @naijapals. U guys should pls screen stuffs people post. B4 updatin dem. We talkin bout buhari and sme wan is busy.abusing the prophet of islam. Dat's bad and arogant. Buhari has d right of saying he his nt goin with the government. Silva treithned to kill goodluck wat do u have to say bout dat
Posted: at 1-01-2012 01:20 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Chambestar at 1-01-2012 02:09 PM (13 years ago)
In short all Nigerians are fools anyway. Am still shocked I voted Jonathan against Buhari's credibility and integrity
Posted: at 1-01-2012 02:09 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
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