Uche Uweji Talks carry-overs, sleeping with lecturers, and more with Nollywoodgo

Date: 27-02-2011 12:19 am (13 years ago) | Author: Amara
- at 27-02-2011 12:19 AM (13 years ago)
Uche Uweji is a beautiful Nollywood Actress that has seen so many scandals and still determined to make it through her dream profession.  Talking with her was fun and interesting. And even with all the scandals trailing her, she remains unshakable in the fight for what she believes in.

In a phone chat with  NOLLYWOODGOSSIP’s LIVE ONLINE WITH DELIA, the lively actress seems to have answers to all the questions  fans have about her scandals.

Here’s what she has to say:

Uche Uweji
Tell us about your family background?

My name is Uche Uweji, I’m from Isiala Mbaano in Imo state.  I’m from family of 6. My Dad is a Chief, a Barrister, and Solicitor. He is a Lawyer by profession. He is married to two wives. Actually my mum is the second wife. I am the second of two boys and two girls from my Mum. I was born in Lagos. I grew up in Lagos.  I love my family that is it.

When did u start your acting career?

I started my acting career in 1999. My first role was in November with Chico Ejiro. I started my acting with him.  The next one I did was a role in “Suit Case” and from there I picked up my acting carrier.

How did you get into Nollywood?

Well, as at then it wasn’t called Nollywood. It was just acting in Nigeria movies. I stayed with my stepmother, and there was this wonderful actress… she was our neighbor, I told her that I will like to be an actress and she suggested that I go to Chico Ejiro. She that Chico turns people into stars. She gave me Chico’s address and then I became confused whether to pop in or not. And then one day I just made up my mind to enter the place once and for all, and from there here I am.

Most people in the industry always say that it is a problem for their parents to accept their choice of profession, what was your parent’s reactions towards your career?

Mine is different. I was always getting TV adverts and all that when I was a child. But my Daddy wasn’t so sure if I could do that then.  I was acting in the church those days. So it was not really a new thing to my family. They are proud of me in what I’m doing.

Uche Uweji
Story has it that you school and act at the same time, if yes, how do you cope with the two?

Actually, it was not easy. I thought it would work for me being who I am but it was not like that.  You just have to be in school permanently and get a good result or miss school and have carry-overs.  There were some times when I got movie  jobs to do and my friends would call me up that there would be test in school. In a situation like that I don’t have much choice but to leave the job for school.  But I really wanted to go to school because my Daddy already imposed it on us that we must graduate…

(Cuts in)Your Dad must be a very strict man I suppose?

Yes exactly, he just wanted the best for his children. He believes that education is very important in life.

Uche Uweji
Are you out of school now?

Yes I’ve graduated.

A NOLLYWOODGOSSIP source informed  us that you graduated with so many carry-overs, is that true?

The carry-overs I had was because then I did not really had time doing my assignments and school works. Even though I wanted to pass, it did not really fit in.  I had 5 carry-overs actually. And that was because at that time, I was more on locations shooting movies. I missed like four tests and you know what it means for you to miss a test. I will not say I worked it out. I tried my best and passed them.  Now everybody is saying that she had several carry-overs. I don’t have several carry-overs. I just had only 5 and I did them again and passed them.

There are these rumors that in Nigerian Universities,  people often pay lecturers  either in kind or in cash for higher grades, have you ever been harassed by any Lecturer?

My lecturers are not really like that over here. Many of them are actually into acting too, so they understood what I was going through.  Sometimes they gave me time to do my schoolwork and bring it back when I’m through. They appreciated the fact that regardless of my job, I still made up my mind to go to school.  So I didn’t actually have the option of sleeping with a lecturer to pass. Otherwise I would have not gotten carry-overs. I chose to finish my school, but that does not mean that I stopped acting. My friends do call me up for a job and I had to paddle the two.

How many films have you featured in since you started acting and which is the most challenging job you have ever done?

I can’t remember actually. And I will not really say I have done any challenging Role though because any role I’m doing I try to bring out the best in me.  When I started acting that was the only time I will say that I had a challenging role to play. Because at that time I have to face Omotala. In that movie I had to play her best friend; being that I was new in the industry and was very young, I felt that was very challenging for me playing alongside such a popular Figure. But that was then though not now.

I once wrote an article about you where you said, “I can’t marry a poor man”. Have you ever left a man because of money?

Laughed, the truth is that at that time I was going through stress and he too was going through hell. I just said it was better that we part ways.  He wasn’t making any impart in my life. He wasn’t doing any contributions to my life.  You know how it is as a girl. You need to do your car, you need to do your nails, and all that. Whenever I asked him for money, he always said there was no money. He kept making promises and never fulfilling them. I waited. But then, I’m not a child anymore. I needed to be taken care of.  If you want to put me in your house as your wife, you must be able to take care of me and all that, and that is the fact.

Are you in any relationship at this time?

No, I’m not in any relationship. I’m out of it for now.

What kind of man are you expecting to marry? Or rather what qualities are you looking for in a man?

In all my interviews, I always say that I need a God fearing man. Some people do go to church but it’s not the same thing with being born again or God fearing.   God fearing man will hear something about his girl and will say no, knowing that his girl will not do that because of God. Most of our marriages today don’t work because there is no God in their marriages. Me, I’m looking out for a man who has God in him. A man who knows that no matter the situation, with God all things are possible.  No matter whom he is or what he is, he must have God in him.

Are you shooting any movie this time?

Yes I just finished one like two weeks back and by next week I will be shooting another.

What will you say about Tonto Dikeh and her new movie “Dirty Secret” that people called Soft Porno?

I haven’t seen the movie but I have seen the clip of it. Most girls do things like that over here.  I respect Tonto a lot. She is into all that which I cannot do anyway; but somebody has to do that, she is really bold.  But hey! In Hollywood they do worse than that. Here in Nigeria people will be saying all kind of things like, how could she do that, how could she open her body, whose going to marry her and all that?  Africa has different mentality and that is the problem.

So what you are saying is that you can never act Nood in a movie?

I don’t really have to go Nood in shooting movies. I could just walk pass like in the movie Angelina Jolie did (Wanted).  She just walked pass and the guy just looked at her and said “wow! Something like that I can do.  Where you will be Nood a bit and nobody have to touch you. The movie we are doing here are not that kind they do in Hollywood. So it does not really make sense exposing your body. Here we have to follow our mentality and do what is right. If it is in Hollywood, the more you even expose your body the more money you make.

In my job as a nollywood reporter, I have covered so many scandals in this industry, how do you deal with all the Scandals about you?

I read them a lot, so many of them.  My first reaction is always “this is rubbish”. And after like two weeks I get over it.  The latest scandal about me now is queen of Lesbianism and all that. And of cause pictures of me and my friends saying that we are doing Lesbianism. When I see them, I would be like” oh my God” what have this people turned me into? Of cause that could make one run into depression.  Before I used to be very depressed about that. Even when the press call me, I will always tell them don’t worry because I really do not know what to tell them.  If you tell them one thing they will twist it into something else. I am a man deal. I love being in a relationship with a man and not a woman. I don’t see myself as one of those people they tagged me to be.

Rumor had it that Dekora signed an agreement to give up her acting profession before her marriage. Do you see yourself getting out of the industry one day for any reason?

I don’t blame her. You know this kind of job we are doing is not easy. Unless you are going to be a second wife to a rich man that will give you whatever you want.  But if you are going to marry your own husband, that is why I said that is important you look for a God fearing man. You know this men, they might promise you heaven and earth and at the end you will find out that is all lie. Once you’ve entered, some would go as far as to ask you to stop acting. And you will be like, this is where you met me. Could you provide all my needs if I stop my job?  Your own money gives you joy. The chicken-change you receive from acting gives you joy. Some men just have problem with the kind of roles we play – like kissing on set. And that’s why I said you need a God fearing man. Someone who do understand you. I can’t stop my career, but I can only limit the amount of script that I do so to have time and be with my family.

How is the Divorce issue that is going around the Nollywood affecting the singles?
Most of us don’t really court. We don’t really date our partners before marriage. And that is why some times they do not even know who they are getting married to. Most of the men don’t even have money that will last you for five years.  If you would have dated him you will noticed that he is broke. You would also notice that is your money he is looking up to. Even the little money you have is not even enough. To be honest with you, the major problem of all the divorces we have today is about money.  The worst remain that those men who don’t even have money will also not allow you to do your job very well.

Another reason is that most people just have it at the back of their minds that there will definitely be a divorce one day.  Or that she is going to leave one day. Or that she is going to be seen in Hotels, discos, or with another man. Sometimes it’s also gossip without evidence. His friends might just tell him that your babe is here and someone is kissing her. All these things could warrant divorce. That is why I still said that I need a gospel man who will allow me do what I want to do. All these divorces really do scare us the young ones.  But I pray I do not get a man like that. I pray I get a God fearing husband that will love me for who I am.

What would be a reason of divorce for you if you get married?

If the money is not there, forget love, forget everything, the love dies.  To cover his broke ass he will begin to suspect you his wife. In fact, everything results in money.  If there is no money, there will be no happiness at home. That is why you really have to date to know how to manage your home very well. If I marry today, even if there is money or not I’m still going to be in that marriage. Marriage is for better and for worst. My Mum and my Dad even when he is not providing for everything she needs, they are still together.  I look up to them and I wish my marriage to be like that.

I recently did an article about Genevieve Nnaji and Kate Henshaw Nuttal in cold war, have you ever had discord with anybody in the industry?
Well, there is always a small girl’s fight, but then we always find ways to settle.  Me and my friends we might have some little squabble in the past and still made up. So is not always a big deal.

How do you feel about the Lesbianism that is becoming the order of the day in the Industry?
Lesbianism is something I have never done before. When I was young, my pastor used to tell us that it is a devilish act.  I know I have one or two friend that do it. But that is their problem if that is how they want to live their lives. That is definitely not for me. I’m a man deal. I love being in a relationship with men and not women.

What was the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Seeing my scandal pictures. I have a great scandal years back and I think that is the craziest thing that ever happened to me.

(Cuts in) But that is not what I was talking about because that is not your making. I just want to know if you ever done anything that you regretted after doing it?
I will not say that I have done anything crazy that I’m regretting about. I just thought that seeing my picture scandal is crazy.

Is there something I didn’t cover that you’ll like to add?
Please help me tell my Facebook fans or rather those who are disturbing me on Facebook, writing those things which are not called for, to please leave me alone.  I’m not a Facebook person. I just happened to register to talk to my friends that’s all.  They should please leave me alone.  Thank you.

Thank you so much Uche for clearing the entire scandals. NOLLYWOODGOSSIP is wishing you good luck in looking for your God fearing man, and hopefully a less scandal year.

Thanks (laughs)

Posted: at 27-02-2011 12:19 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ajanni at 28-02-2011 09:21 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 28-02-2011 09:21 AM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- ajanni at 28-02-2011 03:54 PM (13 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 28-02-2011 03:54 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- lanudja at 28-02-2011 04:25 PM (13 years ago)
Damn to long....
Posted: at 28-02-2011 04:25 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- ajanni at 28-02-2011 05:30 PM (13 years ago)
read it now , wetin do you sef
Posted: at 28-02-2011 05:30 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- princedafe at 28-02-2011 05:40 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 28-02-2011 05:40 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- gimac at 28-02-2011 05:44 PM (13 years ago)
so u expect me to read these ..........u are joking.........learn to summarize
Posted: at 28-02-2011 05:44 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- kebella at 28-02-2011 11:13 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 28-02-2011 11:13 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- mallorca at 28-02-2011 11:29 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 28-02-2011 11:29 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- gimac at 1-03-2011 03:49 PM (13 years ago)
passing to where
Posted: at 1-03-2011 03:49 PM (13 years ago) | Hero