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It seems ur church membrs hv reduced and u r lukng 4 membrs . Chai ya Reply
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The man don dey kolo small small. Reply
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this guy is very high on controlled substances. Reply
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wettin dis man dey talk ,na election campaign be dis...go dey wait, presidency go soon reach ur hand,nor too worry urself if ur church members dey go join catholic church... Reply
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That pastor or what he may ☎ himself is a fool. I better save ♍ strength Reply
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I'm not here to talk in favour of the Pastor but, please tell me what the Catholic church is doing for your black derrière,,, also who brought slavery and slow down the development of the whole continent (Africa),,,can you name at least one war your so called anointed pope stopped on this planet,,,,, Is there at least just one miracle your anointed pope performed that make you believe he is anointed,,,, how many free Catholic schools there is in Nigeria & on this planet ,,,, How many human being your Catholic church feed on this planet earth,,,, My people are dying for lack of understanding,,, Yet you give this your pope tithe every Sunday,,,,do the Math, how much your church get every Sunday, it's millions of Dollars we are talking about here, they get money well well,,,, And you think your catholic church is not a business,,, is it so? please tell us why they sell tickets to visit the vatican... if you think I'm lying check this link for Vatican ticket some of them are £450, do you really think God is in such things, do you really think you will get healing if you visit the do not know GOD and you are playing with Him...Y' ALL A BUNCH OF FOOLS AND YOU WILL SURELY WAKE UP WHEN IT'S TOO LATE.... Reply
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Quote from: jegajay on 2-12-2013 11:57 AM Laugh wan kill me here, Chris i think say you no dey smoke weed again! See how you are embarrassing yourself, what surprises me most is that people still attend this guy's church. Lwkmd, bros, u dey talk o! weldone Sir. no mind them abeg
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Quote from: gbojac on 2-12-2013 05:49 PM I'm not here to talk in favour of the Pastor but, please tell me what the Catholic church is doing for your black derrière,,, also who brought slavery and slow down the development of the whole continent (Africa),,,can you name at least one war your so called anointed pope stopped on this planet,,,,, Is there at least just one miracle your anointed pope performed that make you believe he is anointed,,,, how many free Catholic schools there is in Nigeria & on this planet ,,,, How many human being your Catholic church feed on this planet earth,,,, My people are dying for lack of understanding,,, Yet you give this your pope tithe every Sunday,,,,do the Math, how much your church get every Sunday, it's millions of Dollars we are talking about here, they get money well well,,,, And you think your catholic church is not a business,,, is it so? please tell us why they sell tickets to visit the vatican... if you think I'm lying check this link for Vatican ticket some of them are £450, do you really think God is in such things, do you really think you will get healing if you visit the do not know GOD and you are playing with Him...Y' ALL A BUNCH OF FOOLS AND YOU WILL SURELY WAKE UP WHEN IT'S TOO LATE.... . Don't call Catholics fools. Don't judge Catholics because of the Judas in Catholic, it is bigger than that. For example, Mother Theresa of Calcutta died a Catholic.
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THE BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: ReplyNero Claudia Caesar Augustus Germanicus, born in 37 AD, becomes a Roman Emperor after succeeding His uncle Claudia from 54 to 68 AD. Nero is educated at the feet of the philosopher Seneca whom he eventually causes to commit suicide. He is the Last of the Julio-Claudanian Dynasty. In 64 AD, most of Rome is destroyed in The Great Fire of Rome which many Romans believe he has started. The fire is blamed on Christians. Nero’s rule is often associated with Tyranny and extravagance. He is known for many executions including that of His own mother and probable murder by poison of his stepbrother. He is infamously known as the emperor who fiddled while Rome burned and as the early persecutor of Christians. He was known for having captured Christians to burn them in His garden at night for a source of light. On 324AD, a Roman emperor Constantine the great who built the Vatican converts into Christianity. In Constantine reign, the once persecuted religion becomes the official creed of the mightiest religion on earth. Christian bishops have real power now. Catholicism is now a state religion and the state church. The Roman emperor comes up with another word, heresy. Heretics are people who do not believe in catholic’s faith. He later states that if you do not believe in Catholic faith, you are in league with the evil one. A law is passed that all heretics be put to death therefore causing millions to convert to Catholicism. Under the powerful Roman Empire, Catholicism grows quickly. But the bishops worry that the Roman gods are too popular. Romans still pray to the winged Goddess Fortuna, the bringer of luck. But there is a more feared deity to the Christian church, Pan. They see him as a serious threat that must be discredited. He is a God of Music, Love making and happiness. Pan as a pagan God has goat like features. His body is hairy; He has horns and hoofed feet. The Romans adopt Pans’ features to Satan. So, Satan becomes an ugly hoofed creature with horns and a tail. This is easy because Pan is also referred as Sata. In this Era, the church is desperate to gain more followers. So, it incorporates Pagan Ceremonies with Christian ceremonies. 25th Dec, a pagan holiday of the birth of the sun and the coming of Santa Claus, is marked as the day of the birth of Christ. The same happens to Easter holiday. This is to persuade more pagans to become Christians. A Roman Pope by the name Mercury rises into Papacy. The church is desperate again. There is no way they’ll let a pope hold a name of a Roman Pagan God; Mercury. The pope is then urged to choose another name. In the year 325 Constantine holds a council called the Cancel of Nicea. It is preceded by Alexander of Alexandria. The main aim of the council is to form one Catholic faith. The main topics of discussion are; Arianism, the nature of Christ, celebration of Passover; Easter, ordination of eunuchs, prohibition of kneeling on Sundays and from Easter to Pentecost, validity of baptism by heretics, lapsed Christians, sundry other matters. Its main accomplishmentsare settlement of the Christological issue of the nature of the Son of God and his relationship to God the Father, the construction of the first part of the Creed of Nicaea, establishing uniform observance of the date of Easter, and promulgation of early canon law. The First Council of Nicaea is the first ecumenical council of the Church. Most significantly, it results in the first, uniform Christian doctrine, called the Creed of Nicaea. With the creation of the creed, a precedent is established for subsequent local and regional councils of Bishops to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom. The council settles, to some degree, the debate within the Early Christian communities¬ regarding the divinity of Christ. This idea of the divinity of Christ, along with the idea of Christ as a messenger from God (The Father), has long existed in various parts of the Roman Empire. The divinity of Christ has also been widely endorsed by the Christian community in the otherwise pagan city of Rome. The council affirms and defined what it believed to be the teachings of the Apostles regarding who Christ is: that Christ is the one true God in deity with the Father. Derived from Greek oikoumenikos( Greek:οἰκουμένη), "ecumenical" means "worldwide" but generally is assumed to be limited to the Roman Empire. One purpose of the council is to resolve disagreements arising from within the Church of Alexandria over the nature of the Son in his relationship to the Father: in particular, whether the Son had been 'begotten' by the Father from his own being, or rather, created out of nothing, a characteristic shared with other creatures. St. Alexander of Alexandria and Athanasius takes the first position; the popular presbyter Arius, from whom the term Arianism comes, takes the second. The council decides against the Arians overwhelmingly (of the estimated 250–318 attendees, all but two agree to sign the creed and these two, along with Arius, are banished to Illyria). Another result of the council is an agreement on when to celebrate Easter, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar, decreed in an epistle to the Church of Alexandrian which is simply stated: We also send you the good news of the settlement concerning the holy pasch, namely that in answer to your prayers this question also has been resolved. All the brethren in the East who have hitherto followed the Jewish practice will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans and of yourselves and of all of us who from ancient times have kept Easter together with you. These and the later councils are what leads to the translation of the bible, removal of Gnostic gospels from the bible and even burning of biblical translations which are then declared as heresy to change God’s word into another language. Thousands of biblical translations are burned by the other councils that follow. In 1215, the Fourth Council of the Lateran makes it canon law that every catholic goes to confession in his parish at least once a year. The specification to his own parish is later dropped. This is before Basil the great (330-379 AD) and St Augustine the Hippo (354-430), have declared it necessary to confess your sins to the priest. This arises from fear that there might be spies inside the walls of Vatican. And since the priest is a Vicar of Christ and has the ability to forgive sins, why not use the priest whom power have been invested in by Christ to forgive sin after they confess them? Vatican starts to mock God with names such as Father while we know that there is only one father who is God. A blasphemous phrase is introduced; “Forgive me father for I have sinned.” Then the priest punishes you for your sins with a prayer. These acts are justified with two things: First, a priest has the ability to forgive sins after you confess them to him since he is a representative of the son of God, who holds the power of God and is like God. So, the priest, Jesus and God are more or less equal and hold the same power. Second, there are many letters in the New Testament teaching that we should confess our sins to one another. These letters have been completely misinterpreted.Christ, as the supposedly figure a priest should imitate never asked what sins one had committed before He forgave them and no authority. Truth be told, not all scriptural translations are right. It all depends on the translator's intentions. The Pharisees too quoted the scripture to try and trap Jesus. Trapping Jesus was their intention. So, they tried to wrongly quote the scripture to meet their goal. Catholic Encyclopedia: The confession is not made in the penitent’s heart nor to a layman as a friend and an advocate , nor to a representative of Human authority, but to a duly ordained priest with requisite jurisdiction and with the ‘Power of the keys’, i.e., the power to forgive sins which Christ granted to his church. On the contrary, in the early church, publicly known sins were often confessed publicly and private confession was still used for private sins. Also, penance was done before absolution rather than after. These wrong misinterpretations of the bible are later used to enslave people with satanic philosophies. Authority from the Catholics higher ups should not be questioned since it came directly from god’s superior servant. So, if a priest tells you to kill or commit suicide, you should never question that command since it is from a representative of God and so it is from God. By medieval ages, the church has convinced their followers that Satan is real. This gives rise to Gnosticism. The Gnostic Christian has another concept. They have a philosophy of a Good God who created everything spiritual and an evil god who created everything physical. One group which is taking enthusiasm to the Gnostic ideas is the Cathers of Southern France. To the Cather’s all material possessions belong to the Devil. This concept can also be seen in Christianity where Satan offers to give Jesus all the earthly material wealth including Kingdoms and riches. Jesus does not dispute Satan by Saying that they belong to His father but only turns down Satan’s offer. For a church now wealthy and powerful, this is seen as an uncomfortable and a dangerous threat. The common people admire the Cathers who walk around feeding the poor, healing the sick and preaching good news. So, the church declares that the Cather’s are in league with Satan. Pope innocent the III announces a crusade against the Cathers in 1209. He tries to convert them back to Catholicism but it doesn’t work. The only thing left is to kill them. This crusade turns into a 45 year old war. At least 100, 000 people die for saying that Satan is more powerful than the church says he is. WHO IS THE HERETIC HERE?
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i read it some where too that TB joshua and his followers too will go to the HELL FIRE Replychei ----
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we never want to hear truth,ppl should take it as a warning and not judgement,if u all read ur bible u will know and ur selfs not judge Reply
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this one pass me so i jump and pass Reply
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as (only) man who knows JESUS CHRIST, does HE permit u to divorce and remarried? try to understand the bible as u read it, and watch what u preach. Reply
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U dey madt?? Reply
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Even himself too' where did he think he is heading to? Reply
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Even himself too' where did he think he is heading to? Reply
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Quote from: Adeoba10 on 2-12-2013 01:26 PM Fools, confused religion, different books, different doctrine, worshp man of dog. Is either Okotie is right and Catholic r wrong Or Okotie is wrng n Catholic r ryt. Let's wait til d judgement day. Alhamdulilah, i dnt belong to confused religion, where Jehovah witnx can't worshp at redeem church, wia deeper lyf can't attend cele services. Confused religion. Y wil u b judging ur fellow xtian if u r sure of ur religion. Again, Beauty peagant 4 church? My 4low xtian fwnd shld plz tink of diz. You are the bigger fool, you think your demonic and occultic islamic religion that completely brainwash all you nomads who think and reason through your anus is a true religion?Better you seek Christ for salvation. Are you aware of sex jihads?muslim females sent to syria to provide sex for the Islamist fighters.The anti-christ described in the holy Bible fits the description of the messiah the muslims are waiting for. These are facts which Walid Shoebat exposed from the holy bible, you muslims are fond of discrediting every credible information. "The final battle between the good and evil is actually between christianity and evil islam". The anti-christ will emerge from an islamic country, it is very obvious as stated in the holy bible which xtian scholars have been able to point out with accuracy. Every single prophesy stated in the Bible will always come to past.
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Quote from: Jasitop on 2-12-2013 06:17 PM . Wetin concern me with mother theresa of calcuta, I repeat of c.a.l.c.u.t.a, I thank GOD for the precision Mr Jasitop,,, You tried my friend, you really tried,,,, I don't know how many cobo she gave you and your people,,,,,me and the people for my village didn't get anything ohooo, if not for Tv I wouldn't know that your mother calcuta, since you like 'am for what she done for you can you tell us what she gave you,,,,I don't know whether she don die a catholic or a muslim but, I don't remember her talking about, only Jesus-Christ save...Let clap for mother calcuta as she don make the catholic church big... I will not stop comparing things unless I'm not human being again, I will continue to judge and compare thing because Judging is also Comparing Don't call Catholics fools. Don't judge Catholics because of the Judas in Catholic, it is bigger than that. For example, Mother Theresa of Calcutta died a Catholic.
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I dn't like catholic buh can't judge Reply
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