Beautiful and curvy Tamilore Martins-Ojo a.k.a. Tammy who hails from Igbajo, Osun State, is one of the hottest budding stars in the Yoruba movie industry. The pretty script interpreter came from a highly disciplined and a respected home. Acting for her has always been in the blood because she was born by an actress mother, Mrs Christianah Martins – Ojo, who acted with late Duro Ladipo Theater Group before the death of the veteran actor, and her dad was a musician in the Nigeria Army Band before he retired some years ago. She revealed how her sexy shape and body have been of good influence in landing her roles in top yoruba and english movies. " My journey in the acting industry is an interesting one, because I met some of my role models whom I’ve been eager to meet and also act along side with. When the producer or director are looking for some actresses to play sexy roles,by the time they call on 1 or 2 people, they would remember me because of my shape. It’s all because of my curves and shape. I know I am not supposed to say this but the reason I said yes is that they can’t just use me for any other role, so this has really helped me a lot. Though it has it’s own disadvantage also because some village roles that I also like to partake in, I can’t play them because of my physique," she said.
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Posted: at 24-09-2014 12:41 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero