Emmandazie at 22-09-2011 03:17 PM (13 years ago) (m) Reply |
sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:18 PM (13 years ago) (m) i thought u wanted to change my name @onyiis i told u its a suspense !! open your mouth and explain the reason why i should bear the name Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:18 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Blessedngo at 22-09-2011 03:20 PM (13 years ago) (f) na waoooooo Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:20 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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onyiis at 22-09-2011 03:21 PM (13 years ago) (f) Trahison, pourtant tu me dire d'avoir compris ces emotions!!! [/quote] heheheheheeeeeeeeee !!! ce n'est pas de tout ce que tu pense entre nous mais je vais rien dit à propos the ça ! trahison ? je vais tout expliquée à ta femme ...........tres mauvaise emotion pour un homme marié
"Those who will say nothing in the face of tyranny must endure the rule of idiots . All that you need for evil to triumph is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing". Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:21 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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onyiis at 22-09-2011 03:22 PM (13 years ago) (f) na waoooooo
no be small waaa for ur very first comment
"Those who will say nothing in the face of tyranny must endure the rule of idiots . All that you need for evil to triumph is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing". Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:22 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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onyiis at 22-09-2011 03:23 PM (13 years ago) (f) i ve not even told u the name but when i'll finally do , u will see reasons to accept it
"Those who will say nothing in the face of tyranny must endure the rule of idiots . All that you need for evil to triumph is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing". Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:23 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:24 PM (13 years ago) (m) oui je pense que cela va changer ..rien ne durent pes eternellement Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:24 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:25 PM (13 years ago) (m) okkkk but don't let me wait forever ooo Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:25 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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onyiis at 22-09-2011 03:26 PM (13 years ago) (f)
"Those who will say nothing in the face of tyranny must endure the rule of idiots . All that you need for evil to triumph is for the good people to keep quiet and do nothing". Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:26 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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Emmandazie at 22-09-2011 03:27 PM (13 years ago) (m) Trahison, pourtant tu me dire d'avoir compris ces emotions!!! heheheheheeeeeeeeee !!! ce n'est pas de tout ce que tu pense entre nous mais je vais rien dit à propos the ça ! trahison ? je vais tout expliquée à ta femme ...........tres mauvaise emotion pour un homme marié [/quote] Pas si grave, elle envisage déja une divorce na Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:27 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:29 PM (13 years ago) (m) Trahison, pourtant tu me dire d'avoir compris ces emotions!!! heheheheheeeeeeeeee !!! ce n'est pas de tout ce que tu pense entre nous mais je vais rien dit à propos the ça ! trahison ? je vais tout expliquée à ta femme ...........tres mauvaise emotion pour un homme marié [/quote] ouch!!ne sois pas triste..mais emm emm tu savez son epouse? @emma-arreter de penser sales ok! Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:29 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:31 PM (13 years ago) (m) waiting with anticipation with a as well Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:31 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Emmandazie at 22-09-2011 03:33 PM (13 years ago) (m) ouch!!ne sois pas triste..mais emm emm tu savez son epouse? @emma-arreter de penser sales ok! [/quote] Demande-la. Est-ce-qu'elle connais mon épouse? En tout cas, je reste fidéle à mon épouse! Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:33 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:37 PM (13 years ago) (m) ouch!!ne sois pas triste..mais emm emm tu savez son epouse? @emma-arreter de penser sales ok! Demande-la. Est-ce-qu'elle connais mon épouse? En tout cas, je reste fidele a mon epouse! [/quote] qui est le temoin pour les mots en rouge ci-dessus Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:37 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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giftmurphy at 22-09-2011 03:39 PM (13 years ago) (f) Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:39 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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Emmandazie at 22-09-2011 03:44 PM (13 years ago) (m) Mais tu est témoin non! Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:44 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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sobeit at 22-09-2011 03:47 PM (13 years ago) (m) Mais tu est témoin non!
moi?! je saute et passe.je ne suis pas a la maison >>>>>>>>> Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:47 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Emmandazie at 22-09-2011 03:49 PM (13 years ago) (m) Mais tu est témoin non!
moi?! je saute et passe.je ne suis pas a la maison >>>>>>>>> Reviens ici tout de suite! Sinon j'engage un procès contre toi! Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:49 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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yods at 22-09-2011 03:56 PM (13 years ago) (f) Una see me trouble oh! I enrolled my 15yr old boy into a boarding school. The guy is indeed stubborn-that's way I enrolled him there! Spending only three months there and coming home, my wife cries the boy has cut down in weight and that her boy will not go to the dormitory again. She claims the boy is being punished unneccesarily. He must go is my stand. Now the family is divided- the boy buying his mother's stand but I am adamant! My wife even told me this could lead to a divorce if I insist. Now many things are coming up. I am becoming to suspect this boy may not be mine. I am becoming to suspect this woman hadn't any intention to marry me. Should I submit or stand my ground? Help me please!
first of all mr poster, don't even think that by enrolling your son to boarding school will bring a change of attitude.nope! it can even worsen his behavior.besides which boarding school are you talking about? Nigerian boarding school is a mess! and i won't recommend parents to take their children to any.pal the best discipline a any child can get,is that from the parents.you missed out in the early stage to understand and discipline your child ,which prompted this negative behaviors .there is this "ill attitude" most nigerian fathers always put on that make me sick..if a child is misbehaving they'll put the whole blame to the mother but if he/she is doing according to their expectation then, they'll be fast to claim the whole praises.. pal sit your wife down,communicate with her and resolve this issue like two well grown adult.all hope is not lost, your son is still a teenager that's gradually heading to adulthood.a child has stages in life that also needs different approaches.don't expect to treat a 15yrs old kid like that of 6-8yrs and expect a change of attitude,it won't work.try and know you child,get that fatherly connection to him then you will be able to re-shape his current behavior.for me no child is stubborn it all depends how he/she was raised.even the Bible said it in the book of proverbs 22vs 6. Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old,he will not depart from it. so pal start now and engage in your responsibility as the head of the house.goodluck! Spoken like a true intellectual. The poster has insecurity issues cos I see no reason why the refusal of his wife to allow their son to be sent to a boarding school is proof that he is not their son...I went to a boarding school myself, this made me worse in all manners. I became a terror and got suspended 8 times and finally expelled, I even beat up my senior boarding house mistress. I had no courtesy for anyone and when the wanted to discipline me, I would tell them they weren't my parents. The truth of the whole issue is that I feared my parents more than any teacher, but they did not know how to work on that and instead of disciplining me themselves, they sent me to the wrong people and expected those ones to do their job for them. Boarding school makes children worse cos they are far from parents and feel they are free at last, your kid could even be beaten to death. Be wise Posted: at 22-09-2011 03:56 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Emmandazie at 22-09-2011 04:20 PM (13 years ago) (m) Spoken like a true intellectual. The poster has insecurity issues cos I see no reason why the refusal of his wife to allow their son to be sent to a boarding school is proof that he is not their son...I went to a boarding school myself, this made me worse in all manners. I became a terror and got suspended 8 times and finally expelled, I even beat up my senior boarding house mistress. I had no courtesy for anyone and when the wanted to discipline me, I would tell them they weren't my parents. The truth of the whole issue is that I feared my parents more than any teacher, but they did not know how to work on that and instead of disciplining me themselves, they sent me to the wrong people and expected those ones to do their job for them. Boarding school makes children worse cos they are far from parents and feel they are free at last, your kid could even be beaten to death. Be wise [/quote] You case is a sad one. Sending a child to a dormitory does not mean imprisonment. depends on the objective of your parents in sending you there. Mine is to train my boy on independance and being able to defend himself in my absence. He is not out of control as you may want to see but pampering from his mother + play at home is helping him lose the intelligence he has. Posted: at 22-09-2011 04:20 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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