BOKO HARAM; “One of the strange things we discovered is that contrary to their posturing, most of them are not well-versed in Quranic memorisation and recitation or deep knowledge of Quran. Some have smattering knowledge of Quran.
“Most of them also could not give cogent reasons for doing what they are doing. And they said the fear of arrest made them to cause more havoc.” said the SSS interogative panel in Kabur sokoto's case....CAN U IMAGINE...YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET U FREE, THIS JUSTIFIES OUR CLAIMING THAT THESE PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND ISLAM, THEY ARE NOT FIGHTING FOR ISLAM BUT FOR A COURSE WELL KNOWN TO THEM. word you quoted ''YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET U FREE" hails from the mouth of JESUS CHRIST the prince of peace and its in the Bible in John 8: 32, you all know the real TRUTH is Jesus the prince of peace. No doubt about it
John 14: 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. You all know that too
Boko Haram too Calls themselves IMAM and they loyally doing all their so called sacrifice on behalf of all Muslims to Mohammed not to Allah (cos allah means God in Arabic language). And you all that too...
Well, well, well with your Hands up for deliverance as you can see the good example already laid down by that arrested Man who entered the church with his hands up, all IMAM should clarify to Boko IMAM and other IMAM about the real Truth which is Jesus(its also in that lovely book Quran you are carrying if you carefully interpret it very well to ENGLISH), and stop keeping people in Ignorance and bombing them because you don't want them to know the truth.
To that Church in Abuja whose member running ether and skater, The church should understand that the Boko guy came there to share a big testimony on how he encountered angel of God who approach him, collected all his bomb and gave hom N30,000 to feed himself and better his life. That angel is called The chief of the Armed forces of chariot of Heaven (in the bible). The angel has appeared to so many people since the Bible days till now (cf ABraham in Bible or Ibrahim in Quran). The Angel has arrested him and changed his life. Boko has come to confess and testify to the glory of God but Parish church in Abuja was so scared. Well well well thats human being for you
Hey you! yes you! Stop Gnashing your bitter teeth at me, Jesus is the real truth. Ok? ok
Posted: at 13-02-2012 10:45 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming |