I Cannot Marry An Igbo Man Because They Are Too Nosy - Tonto Dikeh (Page 83)

Date: 01-04-2012 1:51 pm (12 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- utomilan at 3-04-2012 07:51 AM (12 years ago)
VIVA LA VIDA live life or leave the life
Posted: at 3-04-2012 07:51 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- hipz2 at 3-04-2012 07:52 AM (12 years ago)

Dats  ur  own business igbo guy are not wat u think. Maybe its becos u haven't seen d right guy
Posted: at 3-04-2012 07:52 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Seanbarnabas at 3-04-2012 07:55 AM (12 years ago)
Tonto DIke is a not the type of woman to call a wife of an I gbo man that is why she can say that. anyway she is lucky that she still can find a fiance from Edo maybe they family of the guy is her type. but for any respectful Igbo family will not accept her as girlfriend talkess of married. There is a lot of decency girls out there looking for the Igbo guy not people like Tonto dike. If u ask me i will say she have no good behavior that will atract Igbo guy. for example. She is a lesbain, talkertive, over sabi, a lot of fault I notice in her.
Her type of woman is not ready to bring herself down as married wife just like  artress Omotola did. Even if she is lucky and met an Igbo man as a husband is she ready to bear him a child? or let say she is lucky and got one is she ready to Bosom  feed the baby or cawn down as a  mother to take care of the baby?. This is the materials that an Igbo man is looking from a wife that is why Tonto can complain about Igbo man so I advice her to get one novice from Edo, Niger, Hausa, or Ekiti that is the side she can find her type just as her mate Mercy J just did.
Posted: at 3-04-2012 07:55 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Bantino at 3-04-2012 08:03 AM (12 years ago)
does this mean that Edo men doesn't care, all they want if for you to make money and they allow mess aroun??? Point of correction, if you've dated a nosy igbo does not mean dat all igbo men are nosy, come to think of it, you ain't ready for marriage whomsoever loves you will always care about your personal affairs. It seems u just want to get married and continue living the life of a single lady, no way girl No Igbo Man can take that so wake up. Edo men, una don hear abi, u guys want the good things of life without caring about how it came.
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:03 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- kebella at 3-04-2012 08:06 AM (12 years ago)



Claudio Magnabosco

April 13, 2004

A survey on living conditions of Nigerian girls in Italy involving 150 clients / friends, 34 girls / prostitutes and 12 volunteers scattered throughout Italy. The reality is different and more serious than that depicted by ministries, international organizations, law enforcement , voluntary associations and media.

Continue to arrive in Italy young Nigerian clandestine, no longer come from urban areas, but from domestic ones, where the news is less prevalent it is - that is - changed the strategy of recruiting the girls. The girls do not confide to anyone how the arrival of their journey in Italy, but certainly did not end the journeys of despair made ​​through the desert littered with suffering and death. The maman are supported by more and more African men, supposed friends / brothers / boyfriends of the girls, and these, in fact, exploit and control them, through an emotional deception to this day largely unknown in the African, but used racket from Eastern Europe, it is - that - changed control strategy of the girls. It note a mixture between the underworld rackets Eastern European, African and Italian, Romanian and Albanian, and monitor African girls is, however, a surprising and if only occasional, early rackets will clash for control of the market has changed - that is - the racket and girls are increasingly being sold. Without accompaniment after the complaint, the Community's path, document capture and starting to work, when the girls find themselves in trouble returning to prostitution; rehabilitation measures - so - are not effective. Even couples (customer / girl) are regularized problems for the home (jumping the leases) and for the work, and men at risk of losing the children of the previous marriage because their relationship with Africa is morally stigmatized by family members; the social context - then - is still steeped in racism. The media emphasize their interest in instrumental customers and prostitutes, rather than to listen to voice-demands and proposals, To bring raw and tearful testimony, spettacolarizzando parodisticamente problems and refusing to make real information. Most girls do not more prostitutes on the street, but in apartments: apartment buildings in the most decent, the protests of tenants are mitigated by pity for the girls and the fear of retaliation explicitly threatened by who controls them. Increase in the number of immigrants customers who have fewer financial resources and consider the girls only as objects, many Italian customers are unscrupulous, but at least some of them become a positive resource for girls has changed, and thus the type of customers and is tolerant attitude of the authorities, because it considers the availability of prostitutes for foreigners as a ceiling price. The Italian clientele consists of an increasing number of profiteers who can offer girls casual work, housing, loans, food, etc. . require in exchange for segxwal favors and money has increased - that is - the number of exploiters of the girls. A growing number of businesses run by foreigners who have temporary work to the girls, true and false documents, loans, contacts with new customers, the house, the girls are charged with segxwal performance, deliver the documents (which are cloned and recycled), making committees (including delivery of drugs through careless customers / friends) are - ie - increased the constraints of the underground girls. With fewer customers and less generous and more burdens to survive, many girls moving in different Italian and foreign locations to the futile search squares of profitable, after a few weeks trying to return to Italy, undocumented and money, they resort to friends / Italian customers or incur new debts by binding to new exploiters. More than 100 African girls murdered in Italy in 2 years. Victims of violence that have used public health facilities are many, many more than that, out of fear, have not had to treat, a growing number of visitors to psychiatric services. Are multiplying initiatives and projects aimed at customers, the most interesting is the site www.chisei.org , turned to Rome. These data, a second part of the investigation, dedicated to opinions and ideas of the girls and their friends, is being developed.

Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:06 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- okeke76 at 3-04-2012 08:10 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Seanbarnabas on  3-04-2012 07:55 AM
Tonto DIke is a not the type of woman to call a wife of an I gbo man that is why she can say that. anyway she is lucky that she still can find a fiance from Edo maybe they family of the guy is her type. but for any respectful Igbo family will not accept her as girlfriend talkess of married. There is a lot of decency girls out there looking for the Igbo guy not people like Tonto dike. If u ask me i will say she have no good behavior that will atract Igbo guy. for example. She is a lesbain, talkertive, over sabi, a lot of fault I notice in her.
Her type of woman is not ready to bring herself down as married wife just like  artress Omotola did. Even if she is lucky and met an Igbo man as a husband is she ready to bear him a child? or let say she is lucky and got one is she ready to Bosom  feed the baby or cawn down as a  mother to take care of the baby?. This is the materials that an Igbo man is looking from a wife that is why Tonto can complain about Igbo man so I advice her to get one novice from Edo, Niger, Hausa, or Ekiti that is the side she can find her type just as her mate Mercy J just did.
stop this your nonsense ranting,that is bringing insult to igbo.you mean our igbo pple no they marry prostitute?go to Asia?europe igbo are know for marrying prositutes even here in lagos.
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:10 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- kebella at 3-04-2012 08:11 AM (12 years ago)
Benin City prostitution ring is Nigeria’s largest sex market


Living in Italy, and clandestine prostitutes, thousands of Nigerian girls, exploited by a racket that has brought to Europe with false promises and reduced them in a state of real schiavitù.L 'unawareness of customers - in fact - to contribute exploit them, and the respectability of those who believe that the problem can be solved only rispedendole in Africa and the moralism of those who can not bear even the idea of having to talk about prostitution, the indifference of those who live only for the selfish and do not know much hoped that solutions and punitive detention, racism always present, the imperfect civil commitment of those who have expressed solidarity with Safiya and Amina, who risked being stoned to death in Nigeria, but he can not do nothing for the many who live Safiya and Amina in Italy .... These are the stones with which, every day, African women are stoned in Italia.Il Project "The Girl from Benin City" addresses the issue of African girls who arrive in Italy, reduced to slavery and does not become an instrument of sectarian practical action, working on four fronts: 1 - with the "voluntary organizations", encouraging them to favor the flow of financial support through which they can pursue paths of recovery of these girls, 2 - with the "institutions", urging them to not solve the problem only with the return of the girls; 3 - to the "customers", recovering to behave responsibly and helping them to overcome their own discomfort with the support of grassroots groups of self-help; 4 - toward ' public opinion by proposing initiatives sensibilizzazione.Il Project does not collect directly and does not handle money, but invites those who can and want to adopt a girl from a distance, funding, in a mutually anonymous, the rehabilitation process implemented by organizations of volontariato.Il Project wants to be a multiplier of initiatives and work there former customers, cultural workers, volunteers, the testimonial. The basic idea is that if you do not involve all the actors, the phenomenon will be neither understood nor defeated. Who wants to spend in the first person can do it, and whoever wants to do something, but to remain anonymous may do so; those who want to leave your discomfort can farlo.Al end of media attention and the initiative to enhance the role of the media, has been created Prize "The Girl from Benin City" will be awarded annually to a person who has helped create a culture of solidarity on the issue of slavery and the status of women. At the Turin Book Fair 2002, the first edition of the Prize went to Toni Capuozzo reporter for Channel 5.Il project starts from an Italian love story of a young Nigerian woman. Some readers of the novel that he was born, "Akara-Ogun and the girl in Benin City" by Claudio Magnabosco, published by Which Culture - Viking, have "network" with each other, transforming the experience of each in a concrete action of human solidarity and social and civil engagement.

Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:11 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- ILOVEIT at 3-04-2012 08:14 AM (12 years ago)
wow!!  Shocked Shocked 114pages just for dis trash?!! nna mehn some people get time anyway.

Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:14 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- kebella at 3-04-2012 08:14 AM (12 years ago)
In Benin City sorting center for girls between our country and young returnees seeking reintegration
Nigeria, the city of prostitutes where they return the "Italian"

A center receives the clandestine repatriated "They come half-naked, in shock"
posters and commercials to discourage the exodus "But Milan and Rome seem a dream"
In the village of Amina and Miss World is controversy regarding the trafficking of young women

BENIN CITY - There's a part of Nigeria where girls speak Italian and know how to say it perfectly: "How much you give me? '. It 'a slice of Africa where some men, the Italos, know the streets of Milan and Turin by heart, as if it were their home. Welcome to Benin City, the Italian manufacturer of prostitutes equator. Bodies to gazelles, blacks big eyes, full lips, low prices: 10 euros per hour of sex. The capital of prostitutes is far south of Nigeria, in the middle of the rainforest, in the same country that condemned to death for adultery, Safiya and Amina, and that these days celebrating the arrival of the beauty queens for the Miss World contest.
"Want to go abroad?", You want to go abroad?, Is written on a large sign in the middle of the marketplace. It represents a Nigerian who picks up a car in chains. The posters, as well as television commercials, print ads, all funded by the local government, are a desperate attempt to remind families and girls that prostitution is slavery. But the question becomes rhetorical. "Yes, all the girls in Benin want to go abroad," replied Grace Osakue, president of a feminist.
The first to greet you are the lepers. Organize roadblocks by placing stones on the roads. The cars slow down, they stick to the glass. Beg some naira flaunting arms and legs eaten by the disease. It 'a very poor south, which has oil and agriculture of the North East. It has no industry and universities, has no political dynasties or military, has nothing. South forgotten by the government for forty years, until the election of President Obasanjo Olejun southerner and a Christian. The unique richness of Benin are girls. "Beautiful, beautiful," admitted Grace desolate. "Already 11 years have developed, ready to go."
In 1897, English colonists on their arrival they discovered to their horror, voodoo rituals: women and children burned at night, heads hung in public squares to the pantheon of Orisha. Today the sacrifice of Benin is consumed elsewhere in Italy. "Do not try a bit 'of shame?" Eki Igbenedion asks, the wife of the governor of Edo State. From practicing Catholic is amazed that the racket of young women prosper in the land of The Pope also wrote to Berlusconi. "Dear President, 42 thousand girls are slaves of Benin in his country. Many never return, all are abused, exploited, infected. Since '99, there were 112 killed. " In response, the first lady received faxes of charter flights from Malpensa and Fiumicino to repatriate the illegal prostitutes.
Production and destruction. Yes, Benin City because it is a factory. No scandal. Local newspapers called the route of the slave pipeline, oil pipeline. There are entire neighborhoods that have changed in appearance since he sells the oil to Italy in Benin: families with the renovated house, proud fathers of the new car. The traffickers, Italos, are considered managers. "In Benin's offer, in Italy the question" summarizes Bisi Olateru, another activist in touch with the union of Italian prostitutes founded by Carla Corso. One of the few traffickers arrested, Chidi Nsoro, stopped at the border of Ghana with thirteen girls, responded to the police: "This is my business."
"Italian Connection" is the title of a film that recounts the journey of these girls to Italy. Nigeria is the largest producer of films in Africa and the trafficking of prostitutes was shot a kind of epic tearjerker. Fiction. Here no one cries. Indeed, families celebrate when a Italos enters and takes a young man in exchange for a promise of 50 thousand euros. "It means 2 years of work, 10 men at night," quantifies Bisi. A great deal of women are mothers who encourage the girls to leave and have to manage the Madame slaves in Italy. "They often use the magic voodoo" Bisi said. "There is a temple to Benin City where you hold locks of hair and photographs of the prostitutes. They fear that, fleeing, will be cursed. "
Women who deal with women. Hauwa Ibrahim, 35, married an Italian, is the lawyer who defended Amina. It deals with Islam and Sharia law in the states of North but has worked with the government in Abuja on a law against trafficking in human beings. "Let's face it: prostitution is part of the local culture. Many believe that the only "traffic" is that of illegal drugs. " Hauwa receives hundreds of emails and phone calls from Italy to save Amina. "The girls in Benin are rather forget. No one speaks. It 's sad but true. "
Sister Blandina is 56 years old and is far less resigned. Irish, came on a mission to Nigeria in the early eighties, along with Sister Florenza welcomes prostitutes returning from Italy. Since the Interior approved the "Free Way" adhere to the charter Lagos least twice a month. Prostitutes land without papers, half naked, in shock. Girls like Joy, Cynthia, Tina you are greeted with suspicion in Italian: "Hello, what are you doing here? '. All tell the same trip: drive from Benin to Lagos, fly to Paris for the lucky or car to Morocco and then train to Turin, Milan, Florence, Rome. None of them has a good memory of Italy, some would come back as a waitress or order. "They can stay with us are convinced that only girls do not want ever again to be a prostitute," says the nun. Others, whenever they can, try to recontact a Italos and start again. The family home in Benin City is funded in part by the Italian Government. Sister Blandina considers him "a small compensation for these girls that the wealthy use and then throw away."

Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:14 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 3-04-2012 08:16 AM (12 years ago)
A beginning of reflection on the phenomenon of prostitution of Nigeria. An exodus of girls from Benin City to prostitute on the streets of Europe.
Nigerian prostitution
They come from a city of Nigeria in Benin City. These are the girls who prostitute themselves on the streets of Europe '. There are about 50000 Nigerian girls into prostitution. They are trafficked by an international racket.
April 15, 2004 - P. Giorgio Poletti
Source: Comboni Missionaries Castel Volturno

Thousands of Nigerian girls that we meet on our streets, day and night, on the outskirts of the city or on highways.
Some years ago, in Nigeria, I asked a Nigerian Bishop: My lord what are you doing for your bishops daughters prostitute themselves to thousands in Europe? They estimated about 50,000 girls in prostitution on European roads. The answer was: "Dear Father, Nigeria has about 120,000 million inhabitants, what would you have 50,000 people."
Another Nigerian bishop said: "The Nigerian prostitution concerns  above all a city in Benin City, talks with the Bishop of Benin City . "
They are two of the many answers that I and my colleagues have received on our trip to Nigeria in search of an explanation to the phenomenon of Nigerian prostitutes on our streets.
Prostitution some say has existed since the beginnings of human life and can be true , but most of these times is inserted into human trafficking for segxwal purposes. There is certainly nothing new, there is the segxwal slavery for centuries, but today the phenomenon is global in international racketeering.
Prostitution exists because there is a huge demand, millions of Italians of all ages, even adolescents, requiring segxwal favors to girls on the street. Are reports furtive, most of the time expeditious. The archipelago of "customer" is very diverse and mostly reveals the failure of human relationships and especially the difficulties of living an authentic relationship with your family, or simply to satisfy the segxwal drive. Married and unmarried are turning to these girls and often are involved in relationships which are in turn exploited by the girls. I often get the call from the customer who is attracted by the girl who constantly makes requests for money, even millions, and "fools" take the bait and give, give money ... The girls were trained to dupe customers, have taught them before leaving as use their body and all the "spells" for bamboozle possible European men. And the Italians we constantly fall ...
In the African lived in Mozambique, I never had occasion to address this problem, because the culture did not promote prostitution in Mozambique.
Prostitution flourished especially around large cities where there were Europeans , the "white" "azungu" who bought sex with money.

For years in Castel Volturno together with my colleague we faced the problem of prostitution, because in our area is booming.
The Nigerian African world met at Castel Volturno is very far from the world that I lived in Mozambique, although now the news coming Mozambique also reveal that there has begun the cultural disintegration brought by economic liberalism, consumerism ...
It 's a question that sometimes comes to me: if Africa and Africans remain orphans of the West might be best for them? First slavery, then colonialism, political and now economic colonialism and corruption of the Africans are doing (at least in some countries) and their real world a dunghill: corruption, waste, prostitution ...

Do not know the world of prostitution East, I wanted to get me enough problems of prostituted Nigerian girls.
Africa is very big and there are many African states, different from each other in culture, religion, language. The European colonizing power has greatly influenced the growth of these nations. And 'different Portuguese colonization of Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Cabo Verde, from the English Uganda, Sudan, Nigeria.
The evangelization itself has created considerable diversity to be evangelized by Catholic missionaries English is very different from ' evangelization of the Catholic Portuguese missionaries ... Among the Italians is the belief that "blacks" are all the same.
We speak of Nigerian prostitution, but it is wrong because most of the girls comes from the Nigerian city of Benin City and in a certain way Bishop was right when he said that to apply to the Bishop of Benin City to address the problem (which we did).
What cultural destruction suffered Benin City, where it seems that the only value is money (in Italy we are not far) where there is a terrible hunger for money across all the institutions. The disproportion between men and women, the low cultural level of the woman, the impossibility of a future, the same African extended family that can become a terrible trap for these girls, are all underlying causes of the mass exodus of girls from Benin city. The same world that carries deep religious and symbolic blackmail on the psyche of these young women requiring them to observe oaths (voodoo) and take to it with this racket playing and practicing on the credulity of religious blackmail by playing on fear, is one reason that prevents the output from prostitution.
There are many aspects of the phenomenon of "prostitution."
I think our girls in "rehabilitation" and I realize more and more of the cultural destruction to which they were subjected. A much anger there is in them, often sold by the father (if you can call it) that are known to be in Italy to be prostitutes, and even they know it, there is also their responsibility, even a choice If conditioning. It is true that they are completely enslaved. The tragedy is that most often buy mentality "slut" and it becomes very difficult to change, because it is a life project for which they were shipped: make money fast, in any way.
The drama is in renewal, change ways of looking the world, to others, men (not all are clients) And 'this undertaking was miraculous.
Think of a girl who was on the road for three years, with dozens of daily meetings and that kind of meeting where met men of all kinds, what will there? What anger and crushing! They can live in this world most of the time using the mechanism of dissociation.
E 'deep cultural change needed in Benin City, a city that lives much of the remittances from abroad, money in the drug trade and prostitution. Dominates the god of money ...
could have a big role in Benin City where the Church undertook to unite churches in the presence and participation in the sacraments with a real commitment to social justice and a society of values, but God remains in churches and often in the vestry ...
These girls are victims of a cultural model linked to easy money, moreover, is the model that we export media: mass media of Italy is the country of plenty, just answer a few little question and give you thousands and thousands euros.
The Italian example is not the best: A country adrift (writing this I wonder if I am not pessimistic, but then reading the newspaper and looked around and far abroad did not think so), that squalor and misery that the political forces that govern us. I pose a question: are still so dumb Italians of a dupe of the political campaign underway, "the English and the Internet in the first year of school." One of the many posters made ​​to dupe the gullible.
Of course if you have a lot of money then keep it up, but those who struggle to live ... hopefully see sense!

Father George

Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:16 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- lee22 at 3-04-2012 08:37 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on  2-04-2012 10:11 PM
anyway , EDO boys and girls , make una no vex any more , una be good ppls , and no be you caused this wrangling too , the useless ones that attacked you have become so silent now , so make una give peace a chance now , dooooh oooooooo
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:37 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ukky at 3-04-2012 08:38 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: nametalkam on  1-04-2012 01:51 PM
My Fiance is from Benin and it is no one’s business – Tonto Dike
“Igbo men are too nosy”

Interviewer: We just learnt that you will be getting married soon to your new boyfriend who happens to come from Benin, Edo state. Why are so many Nollywood female starts getting snapped up by Benin or men from Edo state?

Tonto Dike: First of all, it is nobody’s business where my fiance is from. That out of the way, yes Benin men are great and very understanding. They are not sitting and judging you unlike an Igbo man that will want to be poke-nosing in everything you do. You make your money and the Edo man is not interested in your personal affairs. If I keep waiting for an Igbo man I will just end up eternally single.

She granted an interview to punch.

Igbo men are Nosy #issokay LMAO, I dont know why part of my agree with Tonto, Igbo men are descendants of the jews so they have long nose
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:38 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 3-04-2012 08:41 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: arsenal123 on  2-04-2012 10:55 PM

you, son of a dirty pig , maggot
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:41 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- lee22 at 3-04-2012 08:42 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on  2-04-2012 10:22 PM
my dear
i am so proud of you ppl oooooo
the heart beat of our nation
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:42 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 3-04-2012 08:44 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: arsenal123 on  2-04-2012 11:01 PM

shege dan akuya
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:44 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- southpool16 at 3-04-2012 08:45 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Bantino on  3-04-2012 08:03 AM
does this mean that Edo men doesn't care, all they want if for you to make money and they allow mess aroun??? Point of correction, if you've dated a nosy igbo does not mean dat all igbo men are nosy, come to think of it, you ain't ready for marriage whomsoever loves you will always care about your personal affairs. It seems u just want to get married and continue living the life of a single lady, no way girl No Igbo Man can take that so wake up. Edo men, una don hear abi, u guys want the good things of life without caring about how it came.

Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:45 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- southpool16 at 3-04-2012 08:46 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: lee22 on  3-04-2012 08:42 AM
see them hypocris
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:46 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- lee22 at 3-04-2012 08:47 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: okeke76 on  3-04-2012 07:32 AM
you can see that our igbo people are the most foolish people on this NP,and so noisy as the girl said.bcos our men are no longer going to school only our woman.
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:47 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 3-04-2012 08:48 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: BendelArmedRobb on  2-04-2012 11:10 PM
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:48 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- lee22 at 3-04-2012 08:49 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: okeke76 on  3-04-2012 07:39 AM
ojukwu brought a disgrace to the igbos.but u need no to say this kind of thing in the furum,
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Posted: at 3-04-2012 08:49 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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