Bishop David Oyedepo Accused Of Exploiting British Worshippers (Page 5)

Date: 21-10-2012 12:30 pm (12 years ago) | Author: Charles colins
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- unstoppable2k12 at 22-10-2012 07:46 PM (12 years ago)
Some of the people commenting here are ignorant and I say may God forgive all of you. God is the creator of Heaven Earth, He is the owner of gold and silver even diamond, and those who worship Him in truth and in Spirit must owe them, they are their Inheritance. Children and Servants of God are suppose to enjoy the best things of life, they are suppose to live and ride the best cars,even fly the best private jets, and owe the best yacht. How do you explain to people that your God is rich and can make others rich when they cannot see the evidence in you. No one is exploiting any one, the reason why the UK papers are making noise is because He is a Nigerian and a black man by extensions. Recently i read in the papers that UK government is making millions out the case of James Ibori, how many of these morons here commented on that and called the UK and their agent of satanic government names. Some of you should try and strive above poverty. If you are a child or servant of a King, people should see it on you. The days are gone when slaves ride on horses, while Kings and Princess walk on barefooted.  Bishop Oyedepo is a testimony of how a child or a Man of God should look like. The Bible said, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. He obeyed God, when God called him, now that He is enjoying the benefits, some stupid ignorant fools, who doesn't know the ways of God, are saying stupid things. If you despise Good. good things will elude you. If He was preaching prosperity without anything to show for it, these same fools will still mock His God.

God gave man the power of dominion, and if you fail to use yours don't blame anyone, Read your bible, Jesus gave a parable about 3 servant whom their master gave talents, 1 hide his own, the second Invested wisely, while the 3rd, returned it the same way his master gave it to him. Christianity are not for fools, it is a religion for the wise. As soon as you receive the Power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, the first thing it does is to open your spiritual eyes, and you can see secret things and He will give you power to get wealth, so if you have met Christ and still remain blind, you have yourself to blame, for no one encounters God or the Holy Spirit and still remains the same. Not all riches comes from the devil, in fact there is nothing good that comes from the devil, Jesus said the devil came to kill, to steal and to destroy. How come, such a wicked personality will now give someone riches. The devil doesn't bless anyone, in fact he has nothing God to offer, so let us stop giving Glory that is due to God to the devil. My bible says, that no one will share the Glory of God. For some of you who don't know, read your bible, All the servants of God during their days, the From Abraham to Solomon, there are non that are richer than them in their generation. God said in Deuteronomy 8:18, that He is the God that gives us power to get wealth. If you are a true Servant, Man, Child, Woman, of God and you are still been tormented by Poverty, please go back and find out who you are serving because it is written, they that seek the Lord daily shall not lack good thing. It did not occur to the white people that brought the bible to us that we will soon start exploiting the secrets, if they knew, they won't venture bringing the bible to Africa. They call our forefather epp, now the sons and daughter of epp are ruling them, through the power in the word of God. May God continue to Prosper Bishop Oyedepo In Jesus Name for letting Christians know that Christianity is not a religion of Poverty but Of riches, wealth and fear of God.
Posted: at 22-10-2012 07:46 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- proly at 22-10-2012 08:41 PM (12 years ago)
papa ride on no mind dem.......its really endtime devil nid more people in hell.....
Posted: at 22-10-2012 08:41 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- ststephens at 22-10-2012 09:08 PM (12 years ago)

this guys are thief,believe me
Posted: at 22-10-2012 09:08 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- ehi19 at 22-10-2012 09:24 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: lanudja on 22-10-2012 09:56 AM
Poster becareful abt men of God ooo...leave them for God 2 judge ooo... Nobody make u judge over dem ooo... dnt help d devil 2 fulfil his mission ooo... I don talk my own finish ooo
let talk the truth, y ar this pastors not using this money to help poor in the churchs, it is not fair at all.
Posted: at 22-10-2012 09:24 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Sophyrocks at 22-10-2012 09:31 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: unstoppable2k12 on 22-10-2012 07:46 PM
Some of the people commenting here are ignorant and I say may God forgive all of you. God is the creator of Heaven Earth, He is the owner of gold and silver even diamond, and those who worship Him in truth and in Spirit must owe them, they are their Inheritance. Children and Servants of God are suppose to enjoy the best things of life, they are suppose to live and ride the best cars,even fly the best private jets, and owe the best yacht. How do you explain to people that your God is rich and can make others rich when they cannot see the evidence in you. No one is exploiting any one, the reason why the UK papers are making noise is because He is a Nigerian and a black man by extensions. Recently i read in the papers that UK government is making millions out the case of James Ibori, how many of these morons here commented on that and called the UK and their agent of satanic government names. Some of you should try and strive above poverty. If you are a child or servant of a King, people should see it on you. The days are gone when slaves ride on horses, while Kings and Princess walk on barefooted.  Bishop Oyedepo is a testimony of how a child or a Man of God should look like. The Bible said, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. He obeyed God, when God called him, now that He is enjoying the benefits, some stupid ignorant fools, who doesn't know the ways of God, are saying stupid things. If you despise Good. good things will elude you. If He was preaching prosperity without anything to show for it, these same fools will still mock His God.

God gave man the power of dominion, and if you fail to use yours don't blame anyone, Read your bible, Jesus gave a parable about 3 servant whom their master gave talents, 1 hide his own, the second Invested wisely, while the 3rd, returned it the same way his master gave it to him. Christianity are not for fools, it is a religion for the wise. As soon as you receive the Power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, the first thing it does is to open your spiritual eyes, and you can see secret things and He will give you power to get wealth, so if you have met Christ and still remain blind, you have yourself to blame, for no one encounters God or the Holy Spirit and still remains the same. Not all riches comes from the devil, in fact there is nothing good that comes from the devil, Jesus said the devil came to kill, to steal and to destroy. How come, such a wicked personality will now give someone riches. The devil doesn't bless anyone, in fact he has nothing God to offer, so let us stop giving Glory that is due to God to the devil. My bible says, that no one will share the Glory of God. For some of you who don't know, read your bible, All the servants of God during their days, the From Abraham to Solomon, there are non that are richer than them in their generation. God said in Deuteronomy 8:18, that He is the God that gives us power to get wealth. If you are a true Servant, Man, Child, Woman, of God and you are still been tormented by Poverty, please go back and find out who you are serving because it is written, they that seek the Lord daily shall not lack good thing. It did not occur to the white people that brought the bible to us that we will soon start exploiting the secrets, if they knew, they won't venture bringing the bible to Africa. They call our forefather epp, now the sons and daughter of epp are ruling them, through the power in the word of God. May God continue to Prosper Bishop Oyedepo In Jesus Name for letting Christians know that Christianity is not a religion of Poverty but Of riches, wealth and fear of God.
Alryt. If christianity is a religion of riches,den y did d bible say dat dose who r determind 2 be rich stab demselvs in d back wit many pains? Y did jesus say dat it wud be much easier 4 a camel 2 pass tru a needle dan 4 a rich man 2 enta d kingdom of God? D pple of old tyms u mentiond were directly blessd by God and nt by means of looting pple's tithes!! If d moni u give 2 God is rily 4 him,den hw come ur leaders r getting richer n richer compared 2 deir followers? Dis is y dis preaching of prosperity by dese MOG hav succeeded in divertin pple's attentn. No wonda ure talkin only abt riches. Ure servin God only bcos u want riches n nt bcos u sincerely luv him weda 4 rich or poor. Dats wat preachin of prosperity has turnd u into. Zombies! Too bad. Let dem kip looting al of u since ure al too blind n ignorant. Let d looting continue.

Posted: at 22-10-2012 09:31 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- igbin2000 at 22-10-2012 11:39 PM (12 years ago)
Na wah ooooohhhhhhare they really serving god or somethg else,anyway u reap just wht u sow
Posted: at 22-10-2012 11:39 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- jazzy007 at 23-10-2012 01:18 AM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 23-10-2012 01:18 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- donzemoo at 23-10-2012 04:54 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: unstoppable2k12 on 22-10-2012 07:46 PM
Some of the people commenting here are ignorant and I say may God forgive all of you. God is the creator of Heaven Earth, He is the owner of gold and silver even diamond, and those who worship Him in truth and in Spirit must owe them, they are their Inheritance. Children and Servants of God are suppose to enjoy the best things of life, they are suppose to live and ride the best cars,even fly the best private jets, and owe the best yacht. How do you explain to people that your God is rich and can make others rich when they cannot see the evidence in you. No one is exploiting any one, the reason why the UK papers are making noise is because He is a Nigerian and a black man by extensions. Recently i read in the papers that UK government is making millions out the case of James Ibori, how many of these morons here commented on that and called the UK and their agent of satanic government names. Some of you should try and strive above poverty. If you are a child or servant of a King, people should see it on you. The days are gone when slaves ride on horses, while Kings and Princess walk on barefooted.  Bishop Oyedepo is a testimony of how a child or a Man of God should look like. The Bible said, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. He obeyed God, when God called him, now that He is enjoying the benefits, some stupid ignorant fools, who doesn't know the ways of God, are saying stupid things. If you despise Good. good things will elude you. If He was preaching prosperity without anything to show for it, these same fools will still mock His God.

God gave man the power of dominion, and if you fail to use yours don't blame anyone, Read your bible, Jesus gave a parable about 3 servant whom their master gave talents, 1 hide his own, the second Invested wisely, while the 3rd, returned it the same way his master gave it to him. Christianity are not for fools, it is a religion for the wise. As soon as you receive the Power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, the first thing it does is to open your spiritual eyes, and you can see secret things and He will give you power to get wealth, so if you have met Christ and still remain blind, you have yourself to blame, for no one encounters God or the Holy Spirit and still remains the same. Not all riches comes from the devil, in fact there is nothing good that comes from the devil, Jesus said the devil came to kill, to steal and to destroy. How come, such a wicked personality will now give someone riches. The devil doesn't bless anyone, in fact he has nothing God to offer, so let us stop giving Glory that is due to God to the devil. My bible says, that no one will share the Glory of God. For some of you who don't know, read your bible, All the servants of God during their days, the From Abraham to Solomon, there are non that are richer than them in their generation. God said in Deuteronomy 8:18, that He is the God that gives us power to get wealth. If you are a true Servant, Man, Child, Woman, of God and you are still been tormented by Poverty, please go back and find out who you are serving because it is written, they that seek the Lord daily shall not lack good thing. It did not occur to the white people that brought the bible to us that we will soon start exploiting the secrets, if they knew, they won't venture bringing the bible to Africa. They call our forefather epp, now the sons and daughter of epp are ruling them, through the power in the word of God. May God continue to Prosper Bishop Oyedepo In Jesus Name for letting Christians know that Christianity is not a religion of Poverty but Of riches, wealth and fear of God.

You remain unstoppable in Jesus Name. I'm glad we still have knowledgeable and wise people like you in this generation. Let the blind continue referring to the seeing as blind; all we can do is pray the veils fall off from their eyes in good time
Posted: at 23-10-2012 04:54 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Idbabe at 23-10-2012 04:59 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: vantheo on 21-10-2012 01:19 PM
Poster you want me to read all this?

Help me ask am o
Posted: at 23-10-2012 04:59 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- Chudyke101 at 24-10-2012 04:23 PM (12 years ago)
That ministry is 30 years plus now,so where were these people when the bishop was only a pastor with less than 20 followers? Where were they when the church was going through the struggling times? As far as I am concerned,every one that laboured shall reap the fruit of his or her labour and his is adorned with God's favour. In principle,if you apply yourself sincerely to the undilluted word of God,you can surpass the amount of wealth Bishop Oyedepo has but the question is are you ready to pay the price or make the sacrifice? This reknowned man of God has paid his price/sacrifice and however,has stood the test of time,because 30 years is not 3 years. As for living large,I dont see anything wrong with that,because Jesus Christ was never a pauper neither was he dressing in rags. It is on record that Jesus christ rode on a brand new colt,he wore the best linen in his time as well as the best and very expensive perfumes. Moreover,why should people be taking Panadol for another man's headache? Are the members complaining? What I expect is that the church members should be interviewed to know how well they have progressed or retrogressed since their membership of the church If they comfortable with the church principles,then why worry yourselves? I will advise that we all adopt this living Legend's principles to life rather than castigate him[/size]
Posted: at 24-10-2012 04:23 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Solidstonez at 16-11-2012 06:38 AM (12 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Posted: at 16-11-2012 06:38 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Solidstonez at 16-11-2012 06:38 AM (12 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Posted: at 16-11-2012 06:38 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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