There are a lot of stories in the holy bible which is not literal, and hence a myth. Few among such myths in the bible are:
• The creation story
• Noah’s ark and the flood
• Tower of Babel
• Sodom and Gomorrah
• Crossing the Red sea
There are too many misinformation in the bible stories few among them are:
• Cain and his wife (Genesis 4:17)
• Israel in Egypt
• David and goliath
• Three Gods-in-one
• Jesus being the only son of God(Luke 3:38, Job 2:1, Psalms 2:7,
Mark 1:11)
• Satan being evil and God good(Gen 3:22 Is 45:7)
There are too many contradictions and inconsistencies in the information in the bible. In fact almost 70% of all the information about a particular issue in the bible is inconsistence. These are few:
1. Does God Tempt? Yes(gen22:1), NO(James 1:13)
2. Ahazia reign at what age, 22 or 42? 2 Kings 8:26 (22), 2 Chronicles 22:2 (42)
3. Has anyone seen God before? NO!(john1:18, 1tim 6:16, Exo 33:20)
YES (Exo 33:11, gen 32:30 and Exo 24:9-11)
4. What did God create first, Animals or man? Animal(Gen 1:25-27)
Man (Gen 2:18-19)
5. Did those with Paul here Jesus speak? Yes!(Acts 9:7), NO!(Acts 22:9)
6. Will the earth last forever? Yes!(Ecclesiastes 1:4), NO!(2 peter3:10)
7. Has anyone ascended into heaven? Yes!( 2 Kings 2:11) NO!( John 3:13)
8. Will children pay for their father’s sin? NO!( Deut 24:16) YES!( Deut 5:9)
9. How many women went to Jesus Tomb? 1(john 20:1) 3(Mark 16:1) 2 (matt 28:1) at least 5(Luke 24:10)
10. Is God merciful? YES!( Exodus 34:6) NO!( Levi 20:9, Deut 17:20, Exo22:20, Levi 20:10, 2chron 15:12-13, levi 21:9, Zech 13:3, Levi 20:13, Levi 24:10-16)
11. What happened in Jesus tomb?(matt 28:2, mark16:5, Luke 24:4 and john 20:12) different stories
12. Who was Joseph’s father, Heli (Luke 3: 23 ) or Jacob (matt: 1:16)
13. How long is God’s anger? Michah 7:18, Jer 17:4
14. Who was d father in Law of Moses?
(a) Jethro Exo 3:1,Exo 4:18, 18:1, 18:5
(b) Hobab Num 10:29, judges 4:11
(c) Rehuel, Exo 2: 18-21
15. How many disciples did Jesus has? (a) 13, 1corinth 15:3-8, (b) 12
16. Is any man righteous? YES! Matt 1:19 gen 6:9, Heb 11:4, 2Pet 2:7. NO! Rom 3:10,
17. Should we call people fool? NO! Matt 5: 21-22 YES! Matt 23:17
18. Can God give his children snake instead of bread? NO! Matt 7:9-11, YES! Num 21: 4-6
19. Did Jesus come to judge the world? NO! John 12:47 YES! John 9:39
20. Should Christians be circumcised? YES! Gen 17:10 NO! Gal 5:2
21. Can God do everything? YES! Matt 19:26 NO! Judges 1:19
22. Where does God dwell? LIGHT! 1Tim 6:16 DARKNESS! 1Kings 8:12
23. Will the death rose? YES! John 5:28, NO! Job7:9
24. Where was Jesus after his baptism? WEDDING IN GALILLE John 2:1 FASTING IN THE WILDERNESS FOR FORTY DAYS Mark 1:12
25. What does Jesus mean? John 5:31 John 8:14
26. What does Jesus mean? Matt 5:44, Luke 14:26
27. Was the writer of John Gospel a disciple of Jesus? Matt 20:17-19, john 20:9
28. Was the writer of the Gospel of Matthew a disciple of Jesus? Matt 9:9
29. Jerusalem is about 100miles from Galilee. Where did Jesus meet the disciples after resurrection? GALILEE! Matt 28:16, JERUSALEM! Luke 24:33
30. Who asked David to numbered Israel? (a) SATAN,1chron 21:1 (b) GOD 2Sam 24:1
Almost all the bible books are written in third person and scholars have declared that so many books were not written by who are claimed to have written it. Few among the proofs are:
• Acts 4:13 ‘Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus’(NKJ). Since john and peter were illiterate how come they wrote the books of Gospel of john, 1st and 2nd Peter and the Revelation in the bible?
• Matthew 9:9 ‘And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him’. How can the Matthew referred to here be the writer of Matthew?
• Dates of writings: Matthew 50-70 AD, Mark 50-70 AD, Luke 62-63 AD, John 50-70AD. How can eye witness accounts be written 50 years after the events?
• All the four gospels give contradictory information on the account of Jesus life.
• Moses wrote about his death? Deut 34:5-7
• Joshua wrote about his death? Joshua 24:28-30
• The books of Kings and Chronicles are repetitions with contradictions
• How can Moses who wrote the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy not know who his father-in-law was?
Jethro Exo 3:1, Exo 4:18, 18:1, 18:5
Hobab Num 10:29
Rehuel, Exo 2: 18-21
I have not seen any book whose teachings are immoral yet widely celebrated as the bible. Please check the following about the character ‘God’ in the bible and conclude for yourself
1. Needs sacrifices Exo 20:24, Heb 20:10-15, Levi 1:9
and Judges 11:30-39
2. Supports Torture: Rev 9:5-6, Rev 20:10-15, Gen 22:2-10
and Deut 20:13-14
3. Encourages slavery Levi 25:44-45, Exo 21:7, 1 Peter 2:18,
Exo21:20-22, Titus 2:9. Eph 6:5
4. Encourages Rape, Number 31:17-18, Gen 19:8 Sam 12:11
Deut 22:28-29, deut 21:10-15
5. Encourages cannibalism Jere 19:9, Levi 26:27-29
6. Author of lie and evil (1 Kings 22:23, Is 45:7, 2 Thess 2:11, Eze 14:9)
7. Support Genocide? (Gen 7:18-23, Exo 32:27-29, Deut 13:6-11, Num 31:17
Science, history and archaeology has proved a lot of bible’s claims as false. Examples
• Four cornered earth Revelation 7:1
• Snake eating dust. Gen 3: 14
• Children of Israel in Egypt (No claim from Egypt nor History apart from the bible)
• Global flood( no physical nor rational evidence)
• Language change at Babel
• That everybody on earth is a sinner( including children)
• God created two lights (moon and Sun) Gen 1:16. Moon does not produce light.
Most of the bible passages sound funny in the light of literal and rational consideration. Let’s consider just two bible stories Noah and the flood AND Tower of Babel.
I. For Noah’s please answer the following questions
• Boat size. 450 by 80 by 45 ft. Noah could not have built a boat this big with the technology of his time, 6000 years ago.
• Gathering all kinds of animal in the world. Kangaroo is peculiar to Australia and so do most animals in the world. How did all the animals cross the oceans to meet him?
• There are over a million different species of animals in the world, how did they fit into the ark?
• Where did he gather all the specialized food for the different kinds of animals in the ark?
• How did he separate the lions, fox and other carnivores from other animals?
• The bible says it rained for 40 days and 40 night and the highest mountain was flooded by 20 feet (remember Mount Everest is 8.85km high).
• Assuming Mount Everest was flooded, the ark was be at least 8.85km above sea level at this point the pressure is highly reduced, Noah, the animals and his family will simple die because of low pressure and cold.
• Where the water to flood the entire earth to 8.85 km did came from and where did it recede to after the flood?
• Where is the fossil/geologic evidence for the flood?
• Where the dove did have the olive leaf from since everything outside the flood was destroyed by the flood?
• What did the animals eat after the flood?
• How all the animals did went back to the specific locations that they are today?
• Since everyone except Noah’s family was destroyed, then Noah’s children practiced incest to populate the world?
• If all these happened as a result of miracle, why did God not performed miracle than asked Noah to build a boat?
II. For tower of Babel please answer;
• Must God come down before he can see the building? Gen 11:5 ‘And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded’
• Is the Lord so naive not to know that no building can reach him in heaven? And beside why did he not change the language of Americans and other nations that build sky scrapers around the world? Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Any time you starts disliking or hating something you must see an evidence that supports your hatred,{and likewise the ones that must work against it} but that doesnt mean that such thing is faulty or bad in itself {for our observations made it so} but rather, a natures ways of answering our internal quests {self fulfilling prophesies} and so, the cause is not the bible in itself and its God but you that starts hating it in the first place {through your ego and your erroneous quests for freedom} and the bible now serving to fulfill your prophesies. {Ask, in either ways, (through your intentions, judgement, thoughts, beliefs, etc) and you shall always receive without fail. For even before you ask (your evidences) it has been given unto you already (i.e. existing in the formless or the unknown and awaits your demand or command to it through your intentions, mindsets, beliefs, actions, etc and to get it)}. So mind what you asked within for you must always experienced it without {through your perceptions, likes and dislikes, events, other people, etc} for like attracts like {i.e. a hatred and weak, etc mindsets always attracts series of events and people that motivates or help fulfill their internal realities for the sake of truths and a complete self experience}.
Science has done its part by bringing to light many of the things we dont know {which is the purpose of their existence} but that doesnt mean it should be the end alls or even to be served and adored as god for it also has its own limitations. They can not comprehend infinity using their logic and instruments, not even miracles which is a minor part of infinity and yet a normal day to day experience. The problem is that they have been approaching everything with the little they know already {using mostly past evidences} and then trying to expand such gaps little by little and expecting all life to fit in to it. They always like to exclude spirits in their quests and yet spirit is the foundation of all life and creations and even of all matter and energy. They have been looking for evidence of life in other planets, and what do they looked for? Water, Oxygen, etc as they already knew it here on earth and assuming everything to be the same and work out the same way.
All being and creations exists in different vibrations {spiritual creations} than ours. Our vibrations here on earth {which is how God made it and intends it} has been so dense to suit our earthly existence and our senses, perceptions, creations, beliefs etc and so must not necessarily be fitting to other existences or creatures in other worlds or planet. A being with a higher vibration than ours can be totally transparent to our senses and instruments, including our body {just as in colour, light, sound, etc} and yet would have its own life and structures, independent of ours, and might even view us as misfit or funny. Places like the sun and other planets we looked at as uninhabitable to our senses are a heave of life activities going on there in a very different vibration than ours. So they have to also learn to judge life based on different spiritual existences and its suitable vibrations and structures {which is how we truly are} and not only through their logic and instruments, using their little past evidences they already knew, and insisting on everything having such scientific proofs and evidence thus limiting a human spirits to animal standard and perceptions.
So learn to save yourself some reasonable time from certain unnecessary arguments by focusing on your internal assets, for nothing everly is impossible to be achieved when you believe or have faith in them. The bible is better left for those that truly practiced it in spirit and in truth for they knew it and knew what is in it.
Posted: at 4-04-2013 11:01 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie |