Have you ever fell in love with a person you havent met but just communication tru the phone or on the net and u plan and talk about the future things are really going well btw two of you and suddendly u have a doubt about u being together one day and and the same time your ex of years just appaer again and want to reconcile with you and you think its better to be with the person u know by giving a second chance than trusting on a person u never met so how will u tell u recent lover that its over but u still love the person no matter waht but some time in reality love is not enough in relationship to overcome any thing i do need advice am just confuse wat do i do before i make mistake
Posted: at 25-08-2008 08:48 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
Have you ever fell in love with a person you havent met but just communication tru the phone or on the net and u plan and talk about the future things are really going well btw two of you and suddendly u have a doubt about u being together one day and and the same time your ex of years just appaer again and want to reconcile with you and you think its better to be with the person u know by giving a second chance than trusting on a person u never met so how will u tell u recent lover that its over but u still love the person no matter waht but some time in reality love is not enough in relationship to overcome any thing i do need advice am just confuse wat do i do before i make mistake
why did u leave in the first place
Posted: at 26-08-2008 03:28 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
SAmyrocko at 26-08-2008 04:19 PM (16 years ago) (m)
Well. Well.. As they say a broken relationship is easy to mend than a fresh one.. If you still loves the person . Why not give him/her another chance..God forgives, so we shud also learn to forgive. If you think you want to move on with the new person, is also good. but try and get to to knw the person.
Life is one big road with lots of signs, so when you are riding through th
Posted: at 26-08-2008 04:19 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
maikhi2008 at 26-08-2008 05:38 PM (16 years ago) (m)
wht ever hapnd to love is blind whn u dey watch titanic u dey cry :'( u wish, now 2 d real thing u get confused, u kno wan make mistake girl, say it as it is!!! bt think 2ce
Posted: at 26-08-2008 05:38 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
bola2cares at 26-08-2008 08:45 PM (16 years ago) (f)
The devil u know is better than the Angel u dont know, to me.. flash back and think about the type of love life u and ur ex spend together, if the crime he/she commited can be forgive, pls forgive but if the ex love life is bad, pls move forward.
Posted: at 26-08-2008 08:45 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
The devil u know is better than the Angel u dont know, to me.. flash back and think about the type of love life u and ur ex spend together, if the crime he/she commited can be forgive, pls forgive but if the ex love life is bad, pls move forward.
mr devil lover...why leave in first place....going back to ur poo....disgusting i will say
Posted: at 27-08-2008 09:27 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
07035729923 at 27-08-2008 01:20 PM (16 years ago) (f)
1st tell her about ur first lover and tell her hw much u love her so dat she can no where to start from den u meant go back ..................easyyyyyyyyyyy way......
Posted: at 27-08-2008 01:20 PM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
jamesbee at 27-08-2008 02:32 PM (16 years ago) (m)
Quote from: 07035729923 on 27-08-2008 01:20 PM
1st tell her about ur first lover and tell her hw much u love her so dat she can no where to start from den u meant go back ..................easyyyyyyyyyyy way......
Baby plans girl.......
Hw will u feel if u are the one involved.
Posted: at 27-08-2008 02:32 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
@poster: well,it depends on wat separated u 4rm ur ex.if u feel ur heart is there go ahead but are u sure he will not hurt u again cos dis net guy was there 4 u wen u felt hurt n betrayed by ur ex. well,follow ur heart,gurl
Posted: at 8-09-2008 01:58 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
be with your old flame if that;s wat you really want, but remember you've had doubts before, and doubts have a way of returning; as for your on-line friends, both of you have never met, so i wouldn't consider u lovers in that sense; whichever way, someone's heart bound to get broken; i hope it's not yours
Most wanted for not how much I do but for how much I put into the doing <a href="http://www.animatio
Posted: at 8-09-2008 10:39 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Have you ever fell in love with a person you havent met but just communication tru the phone or on the net and u plan and talk about the future things are really going well btw two of you and suddendly u have a doubt about u being together one day and and the same time your ex of years just appaer again and want to reconcile with you and you think its better to be with the person u know by giving a second chance than trusting on a person u never met so how will u tell u recent lover that its over but u still love the person no matter waht but some time in reality love is not enough in relationship to overcome any thing i do need advice am just confuse wat do i do before i make mistake
simple-- say it inspanish if he hears only english
and make sure u r in full amour :'( :'( :'( :'(
Posted: at 8-09-2008 12:00 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac