Marriage Councelors where are you? (Page 3)

Date: 25-11-2010 1:38 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Olumide Vincent
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- macgreat at 25-11-2010 07:27 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 25-11-2010 07:27 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- juleshotluv at 25-11-2010 07:32 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olumbareal on 25-11-2010 01:38 PM
My Fiancee visited me recently where i based, during her staying she pleaded i should get rid of my ex- girlfriend pictures. She is of the opinion that, keeping her pictures is like am still attached to her. To make  her happy and feel secured i removed all her pictures and hid it where she cant stumble on them, not only that i deleted her phone nos also. Only for me to discovered she is still in touched with her ex- whatever on face book, i confronted her she didnt deny it she said they were just friends nothing attached. What do i do people. We are getting married soon. No yabbis abeg una.

if she advice you to get rid of your ex then i advise that you advise her to also do the same. She feels with her friend there is no strings attached but with yours there is strings huh? And another thing, you two have to establish trust, obviously there is not trust.
Posted: at 25-11-2010 07:32 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Savelife4real at 25-11-2010 09:00 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: divineproject on 25-11-2010 05:41 PM
I have a little problem with the two of you...............both of you are not true to each other............Poster, you didnt get rid of the pictures in the actual sense........what are you still keeping them for?..........I guess it is for the same reason you are still hiding those pix that she is still keeping tab with her you too got your own stain, no come prove saint for here oo.........becos you are not!


Posted: at 25-11-2010 09:00 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- brightossy at 25-11-2010 09:41 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: divineproject on 25-11-2010 05:41 PM
I have a little problem with the two of you...............both of you are not true to each other............Poster, you didnt get rid of the pictures in the actual sense........what are you still keeping them for?..........I guess it is for the same reason you are still hiding those pix that she is still keeping tab with her you too got your own stain, no come prove saint for here oo.........becos you are not!
if sey u dey near me i 4 give u one short of kaikai. U too much.
Posted: at 25-11-2010 09:41 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ILOVEIT at 25-11-2010 09:43 PM (13 years ago)
hmmm i see

Posted: at 25-11-2010 09:43 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- xena15 at 25-11-2010 09:57 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olumbareal on 25-11-2010 03:10 PM
@XENA! Thanks abeg make u help me ask her, e be like sey na ojukokoro dey worry her. I make sure sey she dey comfortable even with kini sef. you know now
Na wa o...
Make she no make me vex o!
Anyway,if she no change,i dey here o!

Posted: at 25-11-2010 09:57 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- xena15 at 25-11-2010 09:57 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olumbareal on 25-11-2010 03:10 PM
@XENA! Thanks abeg make u help me ask her, e be like sey na ojukokoro dey worry her. I make sure sey she dey comfortable even with kini sef. you know now

Posted: at 25-11-2010 09:57 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- 4kasibe247 at 25-11-2010 10:00 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: juleshotluv on 25-11-2010 07:32 PM
Quote from: olumbareal on 25-11-2010 01:38 PM
My Fiancee visited me recently where i based, during her staying she pleaded i should get rid of my ex- girlfriend pictures. She is of the opinion that, keeping her pictures is like am still attached to her. To make  her happy and feel secured i removed all her pictures and hid it where she cant stumble on them, not only that i deleted her phone nos also. Only for me to discovered she is still in touched with her ex- whatever on face book, i confronted her she didnt deny it she said they were just friends nothing attached. What do i do people. We are getting married soon. No yabbis abeg una.

if she advice you to get rid of your ex then i advise that you advise her to also do the same. She feels with her friend there is no strings attached but with yours there is strings huh? And another thing, you two have to establish trust, obviously there is not trust.
True addition, both of u shld work on ur insecurities during ds will be too late n hard to deal with after they say "it takes 2 to tango"....trusting n understanding accordingly is a key to a successful marriage n prayer is d master key. May God grant u divine wisdom to resolving ds matter. Remain blessed.
Posted: at 25-11-2010 10:00 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- laydeelaracraft at 25-11-2010 10:06 PM (13 years ago)
@ 4kasibe n Jules- this doesn't necessarily reflect distrust on posters part! It is a matter of principle, if she felt that insecure about his ex- she needs to try n ensure she is not doing the same that's very hypocritical of her!
Posted: at 25-11-2010 10:06 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- samboko at 26-11-2010 04:42 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: laydeelaracraft on 25-11-2010 10:06 PM
@ 4kasibe n Jules- this doesn't necessarily reflect distrust on posters part! It is a matter of principle, if she felt that insecure about his ex- she needs to try n ensure she is not doing the same that's very hypocritical of her!

It is basically base on insecurity, abi wetin u wan call this ex pix/no complaint? Why should i bother on my partner's ex when i already have the gal if i dey secured? Its lack of trust my dear. At this point in their relationship there shouldnt be any complain or doubt....

they both need to quickly work on their trust foundation....
Posted: at 26-11-2010 04:42 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Chudymario at 26-11-2010 05:10 AM (13 years ago)
Honestly, your current status calls for carefulness. You said this lady is your 'fiancee'? Sorry, but I have to ask this, Does she or even you fully understand what marriage is really all about? It's no time to be sentimental about any issue that come your way. Rather, you should be issue based, open minded and real. Marriage is one of the most sacred things God honours. For real, it is the coming together of two that have decided to learn from the past, consolidate on today, and be able to collectively build a wonderful future. If for real your fiance is interested in that relationship, there is a need for sincerity in everything. That is not to say, you are going to be a poke-noser. Sincerity creates a peace of mind even in the face of confussion. You have not really told us what she does with this ex on facebook. Perhaps, they were just friends as she claimed. But because she wouldn't want this guy to feel  'so bad' had decided not to remove him from her friends list.So, it's up to you to check that out. One more thing I'll love you to do would be to first get your own path right. Build yourself emotionally, psychologically, spiritually (standing rightly with your God). I believe with that done, you will learn to appreciate the weaknesses and strenghts of others and help them build the areas they can. Above all, commit the relationship into the hands of God .I wish you all the best in your marriage in the nearest future!... Chuks
Posted: at 26-11-2010 05:10 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- olumbareal at 26-11-2010 08:59 AM (13 years ago)
I thank you all for your contributions, May God bless you all, To be honest with you guys i never expected people on this site can make meaningful contributions like these. Am kind of new on this site my first post here and response wasn't encouraging except for few who probably was once in such situation. There after i got a job without any god father and here i am talking about marriage. You are three much. 1 MILLION GBOSA FOR UNA.
Posted: at 26-11-2010 08:59 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- MissyBarbie at 26-11-2010 10:01 AM (13 years ago)
Okay......but let me go and come back
Posted: at 26-11-2010 10:01 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- sophiebaby at 26-11-2010 12:36 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olumbareal on 25-11-2010 02:49 PM
Sophie! where are you?

dear friend.. thou ur keeping her pix doesnt mean ur still attached to her, but since she insisted on u not keeping them anymore and heed it, u can as well burn it, or return it back to her... deleting her no doesnt mean u cant say hello to her..

as for ya fiancee... she can still be friends with her ex on a condition that they seperated without griefs.. yes they might just be friends,,but u still have to get rid of the pix, atleast just to make her happy.. and she too  all u nid do is to tell her what u dont want her to do. u both can settle ur diff's.. just tell her the things she does dat u dont like, same to her too, and if u both love eachoda, u will liisten to eachoda and whatever u or her wants.. just for love sake

if u both love eachoda
u should try as much as possible to make urselfs happy by listening and humblying urselves to one anoda.

Posted: at 26-11-2010 12:36 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- olumbareal at 26-11-2010 01:15 PM (13 years ago)
Tanx SOPHIE! Had bn longing to hear from you since i posted this. I really appreciate your contribution, Knew i can count on you. May God bless you and your house hold. Kiss
Posted: at 26-11-2010 01:15 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- divineproject at 26-11-2010 01:25 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olumbareal on 25-11-2010 05:57 PM
@Divine project! thanks for your contribution am not claiming to be saint here, my ex in question she is married with a baby i cant go into details. Her pictures mean nothing to me anymore, if you want me to get of the pictures i can do dat with all pleasure. what i actually saw on my Fiancee Face Book was her ex boyfriend congratulating her. Somehow am not just comfortable with her still in touch with her so called ex.

I wasnt condemning you buddie...........I was only pointing out the log in your own eye........becos you seem to forget you both are on the same level........if you are willing to get rid of the pix permanently, it should not be becos Divineproject said you should.........but because you want to...........ciao!

Posted: at 26-11-2010 01:25 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- sophiebaby at 26-11-2010 01:34 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olumbareal on 26-11-2010 01:15 PM
Tanx SOPHIE! Had bn longing to hear from you since i posted this. I really appreciate your contribution, Knew i can count on you. May God bless you and your house hold. Kiss


Posted: at 26-11-2010 01:34 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- olumbareal at 26-11-2010 01:40 PM (13 years ago)
Tanx Divineproject! am not getting rid of the pictures because of you, lets say am doing it because i ought to have done it since i didnt realize it  . You just call my attention to it.
Posted: at 26-11-2010 01:40 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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