Apple Chief Steve Jobs Dies

Date: 06-10-2011 3:46 am (13 years ago) | Author: Mary Claret
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- at 6-10-2011 03:46 AM (13 years ago)
Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said. Jobs was 56.

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," read a statement by Apple's board of directors. "Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts."

So sad!  Sad

Source: ABC News

Posted: at 6-10-2011 03:46 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- GullahGeeche at 6-10-2011 03:56 AM (13 years ago)
According to the Christian post Steve Jobs death has spured internet discussion concerning his faith and final destination:

The sudden death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs on Wednesday has spurred Internet discussion on whether he was a Christian.

Jobs, who was in fact a Buddhist, died Wednesday at the age of 56. His passing was publicized by a statement released by Apple’s board of directors.

“Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve,” read the statement.

Just hours after the news on his death broke, a user going by the name of “Ann Coulter” began a discussion on Yahoo! Answers that posed the question: “Was Steve Jobs a Christian? Just wondering where he is right now…”

Respondents to the discussion either thought Jobs was an atheist or a Buddhist. A few replied to the thread saying that he was a genius regardless so his religious beliefs.

Twitter was also buzzing with discussion about Job’s faith before he passed. Numerous people issued tweets on his passing and added that they hoped he was a Christian before he died.

Order Online: Muslims, Christians, and Jesus

“I pray that Steve Jobs became a Christian, before he passed away,” tweeted @AakashRaut.

Twitter user @mattshiloh tweeted, “A sad day for the tech world. Sorry to see you go Steve Jobs. While you weren't a Christian, I will pray for your soul.”

Jobs became a Buddhist after a trip to India in 1974. Two years later, Jobs co-founded Apple and marketed the world's first personal computer, the Apple II.
Posted: at 6-10-2011 03:56 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- eomo at 6-10-2011 07:11 AM (13 years ago)
Let others be better off because you came on the scene. It is not how long you lived but what impact did you make. Steve Job's innovation affected loads of people. Rest in peace
Posted: at 6-10-2011 07:11 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- KC4JC at 6-10-2011 07:37 AM (13 years ago)
He was indeed a rare gem in the world of technology......the case of whether he was a christian or not is not relevant here.. The point is that Steve has left a lasting legacy and an indelible mark on earth..According to Obama, "Steve Jobs was among the greatest American innovators - brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it". "The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented".................may his soul rest in peace
Posted: at 6-10-2011 07:37 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- moralemike07 at 6-10-2011 07:43 AM (13 years ago)
Eehya! Which Nigerians go dey invent like this.
Posted: at 6-10-2011 07:43 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- AdeAkinAkin at 6-10-2011 07:44 AM (13 years ago)
na wa oo, what will now happen to apple company?
Posted: at 6-10-2011 07:44 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- KC4JC at 6-10-2011 07:47 AM (13 years ago)
Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and chairman paid tribute to his one time rival, said: "Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives.

"The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour."
Posted: at 6-10-2011 07:47 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Miss_precious at 6-10-2011 08:03 AM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:03 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Miss_precious at 6-10-2011 08:05 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Kentukey on  6-10-2011 07:42 AM
Eyaa, dis illuminati guy finally dies. May Allah put him wr he wants to be.


Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:05 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- GOLDENMEDAH at 6-10-2011 08:11 AM (13 years ago)
R. I. P.. D GR8 1
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:11 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- onyeodinaka at 6-10-2011 08:26 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:26 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ladyb4u at 6-10-2011 08:27 AM (13 years ago)
rest in peace man
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:27 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- suju at 6-10-2011 08:33 AM (13 years ago)
R.I.P THE RARE GEM...............THE ENTIRE WORLD WILL MISS YOU... Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley :)IT IS ONLY GOD WHO KNOWS WHERE HE IS RIGHT NOW PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN HOW TO KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHORT..................... Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:33 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Neophil at 6-10-2011 08:39 AM (13 years ago)
The entire MAC lover gonna miss him... He was indeed a visionary leader... I remember the last encounter I had of him during the launching of I-phone 4... Then I knew something is wrong with him...Adieu Steve... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:39 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Jonso at 6-10-2011 08:49 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Kentukey on  6-10-2011 07:42 AM
Eyaa, dis illuminati guy finally dies. May Allah put him wr he wants to be.

Illuminati!! What evidence do you have? You must be another brainwashed brainless. A genius is dead. R.I.P. Mr Jobs.
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:49 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ebysco at 6-10-2011 08:58 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:58 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- charlym at 6-10-2011 08:58 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 6-10-2011 08:58 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- richy5050 at 6-10-2011 09:15 AM (13 years ago)
May his gentle soul rest in peace(amen).we miss u an inventist.
Posted: at 6-10-2011 09:15 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- gloxxy98 at 6-10-2011 09:24 AM (13 years ago)
RIP. Thinking about where his soul is going now
Posted: at 6-10-2011 09:24 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Idbabe at 6-10-2011 09:26 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 6-10-2011 09:26 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
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