what is Nigerians problem? (Page 2)

Date: 10-03-2010 11:28 am (14 years ago) | Author: Fabulous .Mich.Anthony
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- megafather1 at 18-03-2010 06:46 PM (14 years ago)
Well there are may problems in 9ja, i cant mention all, but let mention few: 1,BAD Weather. 2, lack of enough toilets,3 nigerians eat tooo much, 4,civil defence officers hav started carrrying gun, 4 juju 5,Toooooo many languages 6,nigerian women lyk recharge card too much 7, naija men are mumu 8,mosquitoes, 9 ,9ja police ''hold it, inner light'' 10,Megafather1.....to be continued.
Posted: at 18-03-2010 06:46 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- irule at 18-03-2010 08:51 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: megafather1 on 18-03-2010 06:46 PM
Well there are may problems in 9ja, i cant mention all, but let mention few: 1,BAD Weather. 2, lack of enough toilets,3 nigerians eat tooo much, 4,civil defence officers hav started carrrying gun, 4 juju 5,Toooooo many languages 6,nigerian women lyk recharge card too much 7, naija men are mumu 8,mosquitoes, 9 ,9ja police ''hold it, inner light'' 10,Megafather1.....to be continued.
i think u are one of those increasin 9ja's pblm

Posted: at 18-03-2010 08:51 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Helga at 18-03-2010 11:35 PM (14 years ago)

Just noticed this on face book.
Interesting reading for those who can handle it.
Posted: at 18-03-2010 11:35 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- democrazy at 19-03-2010 01:22 AM (14 years ago)
@Helga ....unfortunately the guy is right. Also adding to his views i can safely say naija is one of the most God loving countries in the word. they posses faith and follow the religion to the letter R.

There is no hope for that country and it's people do trully deserve their leaders who have been chosen by God.
Posted: at 19-03-2010 01:22 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- teeco at 19-03-2010 08:15 AM (14 years ago)

Posted: at 19-03-2010 08:15 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Bazemaster at 19-03-2010 09:48 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: megafather1 on 18-03-2010 06:46 PM
Well there are may problems in 9ja, i cant mention all, but let mention few: 1,BAD Weather. 2, lack of enough toilets,3 nigerians eat tooo much, 4,civil defence officers hav started carrrying gun, 4 juju 5,Toooooo many languages 6,nigerian women lyk recharge card too much 7, naija men are mumu 8,mosquitoes, 9 ,9ja police ''hold it, inner light'' 10,Megafather1.....to be continued.


Posted: at 19-03-2010 09:48 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- rasky47 at 19-03-2010 10:53 AM (14 years ago)
Selfish leaders chikena
Posted: at 19-03-2010 10:53 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- rasky47 at 19-03-2010 10:54 AM (14 years ago)
Selfish leaders. chikena
Posted: at 19-03-2010 10:54 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- fabmic at 19-03-2010 08:27 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: megafather1 on 18-03-2010 06:46 PM
Well there are may problems in 9ja, i cant mention all, but let mention few: 1,BAD Weather. 2, lack of enough toilets,3 nigerians eat tooo much, 4,civil defence officers hav started carrrying gun, 4 juju 5,Toooooo many languages 6,nigerian women lyk recharge card too much 7, naija men are mumu 8,mosquitoes, 9 ,9ja police ''hold it, inner light'' 10,Megafather1.....to be continued.
you must be lost
Posted: at 19-03-2010 08:27 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- megafather1 at 20-03-2010 01:45 AM (14 years ago)
I think u are the person that is lost.
Posted: at 20-03-2010 01:45 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- megafather1 at 20-03-2010 01:49 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: irule on 18-03-2010 08:51 PM
Quote from: megafather1 on 18-03-2010 06:46 PM
Well there are may problems in 9ja, i cant mention all, but let mention few: 1,BAD Weather. 2, lack of enough toilets,3 nigerians eat tooo much, 4,civil defence officers hav started carrrying gun, 4 juju 5,Toooooo many languages 6,nigerian women lyk recharge card too much 7, naija men are mumu 8,mosquitoes, 9 ,9ja police ''hold it, inner light'' 10,Megafather1.....to be continued.
i think u are one of those increasin 9ja's pblm
I can be a blessing to nigeria and i can also be a problem, what about u.I dont think u are a blessing to 9ja.
Posted: at 20-03-2010 01:49 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- megafather1 at 20-03-2010 01:59 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: megafather1 on 18-03-2010 06:46 PM
Well there are may problems in 9ja, i cant mention all, but let mention few: 1,BAD Weather. 2, lack of enough toilets,3 nigerians eat tooo much, 4,civil defence officers hav started carrrying gun, 4 juju 5,Toooooo many languages 6,nigerian women lyk recharge card too much 7, naija men are mumu 8,mosquitoes, 9 ,9ja police ''hold it, inner light'' 10,Megafather1.....to be continued.
11, nigerians love marriage too much 12,Everybody wants to be an oga in 9ja 13,Tribal mark 14,The poor claim to be rich,15, plateau state 16,NEPA(PHCN) 17,over population 18,bendown select(okrika) 19,bad road 20,too much rumour.......to be continued Cool
Posted: at 20-03-2010 01:59 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- fabmic at 20-03-2010 09:09 AM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 20-03-2010 09:09 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Toks-E at 20-03-2010 11:55 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: adebamibo on 10-03-2010 11:47 AM
Our main problem is Leadership followed by GREED and no fear of God

Posted: at 20-03-2010 11:55 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- fabmic at 20-03-2010 01:22 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 20-03-2010 01:22 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- megafather1 at 20-03-2010 01:39 PM (14 years ago)
may be
Posted: at 20-03-2010 01:39 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Yungsam at 20-03-2010 02:38 PM (14 years ago)
Nigerian's problem is nt acceptin the truth. We all in 9ja knw the truth, see the truth, feel the truth, need the truth but we neva accept the truth......so hw are we goin to move forward?....even the holy book says that "ONLY D TRUTH THAT ONE KNW WILL MAKE SUCH FREE......9ja need to them saf the truth raw.
Posted: at 20-03-2010 02:38 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- fabmic at 21-03-2010 11:56 AM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 21-03-2010 11:56 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- agabs at 21-03-2010 12:42 PM (14 years ago)

The below excerpt is some comment I made on some other debate. The topic is not too far from this one. I think the below excerpt can serve as my reply to the the "What is Nigeria's Problem?".

The Need for OCSOR.
by agabs on Friday, March 19th 2010, 7:03 PM

The Need for OCSOR
by agabs on Friday, March 19th 2010, 6:46 PM

How are u going to draw that boundary. In the middle belt there are many tribes. And most easterners and westerners refer to this people as northerners. This tribes are not Hausa speaking people. U have Tiv, Igala, Idoma, Nupe, Ebira, Ibaji, Jukun, Kakanda, Gwari. In Plateau alone you have a lot of tribes. If u give the Ibos a state, it wont solve anything cause,Ibo has different dialects and u still have other languages that are not Ibo in Ibo states. U have Uhrobo, Ijaw, Itsekiri etcetra. If u give the Yoruba's a country, it doesnt solve any problem cause half of the Yoruba's are practicing Muslims. If Ngege could fight Uba then An Ibo state won't solve anything. It will be same old Opression and Marginalization.

Let's say u manage to split Nigeria across religions, what u would have created would be two new countries that will constantly be at war. U would have created another Israel and Palestinian like nations. There will be constant strife.

I think the only way out for this country is to stay unified and practice what we are practicing right now. I think Nigeria should destroy ChieftainciesE and the likes. No more Emirs, no more Obas, no more chiefs. Let us de-tribalize Nigeria.

I believe Muslims and Christians can live together in peace in this country if we the youths rise up and resist corruption. If we revolt and a new leadership takes over, the country will change in a blink. Our jobs wont be giving to all those white people. We will build cars in Nigeria, and we will produce most of the useless nonsenses we import. The Naira will get stronger. Imagine, the politicians/elite of this government/country gives our jobs to the Chinese and the Japanese etc. Mechanical engineers with nothing to do. Chemical engineers with no industries. People with no jobs and we keep importing Honda and all those toys. What the phyuk is in an engine. That is why there is so much poverty everywhere. No Jobs and we are feeding the Japanese and the Chinese and the Americans. Will a man that has got a job border about religion? He wont have time to fight. He wont want you to burn down the house he has built. He will avoid war. He will employ diplomacy instead of violence to settle issues.

We the youths of this country are too timid. Too timid. I think Nigeria can change if we have a compartmentalized revolution. A revolution that is confined to states. U fight ur state governor, I fight mine. U fight ur Local Goverment Chairman, I fight mine.

Nigeria can change. I think it is very possible if we are willing to change this country. If we are willing to change Nigeria, Nigeria will change overnight.

Compartmentalized and simulataneous revolution by Nigeria youths is the way forward.
Nigeria needs a well "Organized Compartmentalized and Simultaneous Ongoing Revolution(OCSOR)".

OCSOR!! hA AHA HAHAHAHAH. We need OCSOR in Nigeria. OCSOR can save Nigeria. Believe in OCSOR. OCSOR is what we need.

Dont tell me any negativities.

An "Organized Compartmentalized and Simultaneous Ongoing Revolution(OCSOR)" is what we need.





Pardon my mistakes.
Posted: at 21-03-2010 12:42 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- fabmic at 21-03-2010 01:36 PM (14 years ago)
na wa oooo
Posted: at 21-03-2010 01:36 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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