An old priest who got sick of the christians in his congregation confessing about the sin of adultery announced one day in church, that he was goin to quit if one more person confessed to adultery .the christians loved him so much and decided to use a secret code when confessing to adultery.they alwaz said"i have fallen".this seemed to satisfy the old priest and he died at a gud old age.a priest who took over him came to complain to the mayor of the town sayin"you must do smthg about the sidewalks in town.when people come to confess,they keep saying they have fallen.'the mayor started laughing realising that no one had told th priest about the code word.be4 he could explain,the priest pointed an accusing finger at him sayin..."i don't know what you are laughing but your own wife fell three times this week"
Posted: at 8-05-2011 10:40 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
maryclaret at 8-05-2011 10:45 PM (13 years ago) (f)
lololol. Nice one.
Ada Mbaise
Posted: at 8-05-2011 10:45 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
oohio2007 at 8-05-2011 11:58 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Quote from: steyonce on 8-05-2011 10:40 PM
An old priest who got sick of the christians in his congregation confessing about the sin of adultery announced one day in church, that he was goin to quit if one more person confessed to adultery .the christians loved him so much and decided to use a secret code when confessing to adultery.they alwaz said"i have fallen".this seemed to satisfy the old priest and he died at a gud old age.a priest who took over him came to complain to the mayor of the town sayin"you must do smthg about the sidewalks in town.when people come to confess,they keep saying they have fallen.'the mayor started laughing realising that no one had told th priest about the code word.be4 he could explain,the priest pointed an accusing finger at him sayin..."i don't know what you are laughing but your own wife fell three times this week"
Posted: at 8-05-2011 11:58 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
Bazemaster at 9-05-2011 12:01 PM (13 years ago) (m)
i no laugh
I report from ma BAZEHOOD, niggaz feeling ma BAZESWAG 'cos it's hooded like my nigga HOODEDSWAG coming from BAZESQUAD in da BAZESTUDIOS UNITED.... I AM BAZEMASTER
Posted: at 9-05-2011 12:01 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac