I will never fade and I will never blend....not here to be ur friend or enemy, i say what i ave to say & i'll be out as soon as i'm done, not hard to find & not here to keep i'm the beauty that you can never sight asleep!
Posted: at 4-10-2009 01:43 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
Ashdangelo at 4-10-2009 02:30 AM (15 years ago) (m)
No,no you'r gettin it all wrong.I'm not alone,i'v got my family,i'v got 3 games on my ps3 console that needs all my attention.My only problem is just this damned insomania,i dont sleep at night anymore...I'm startn to think i got bitten by a vampire.....How is ur weekend?
Posted: at 4-10-2009 02:30 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
ok...i go watch Premiership for the beer parlour near our hose, my babe come dey complain say i no get her time again, say i dey put football ahead of her...so we come break up on saturday and make up on sunday evening after the Chelsea/liverpool game.
I will never fade and I will never blend....not here to be ur friend or enemy, i say what i ave to say & i'll be out as soon as i'm done, not hard to find & not here to keep i'm the beauty that you can never sight asleep!
Posted: at 4-10-2009 08:23 PM (15 years ago) | Hero