why guys always lie (Page 5)

Date: 17-05-2008 1:24 am (16 years ago) | Author: Jennifer
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- Hutlikfire at 31-05-2008 02:49 PM (16 years ago)
True story!!!
Posted: at 31-05-2008 02:49 PM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- Rulz at 31-05-2008 02:56 PM (16 years ago)
yup..to some men, love ain't nothing but a four letter word, and would not keep them from cheating if they want to..its a mental thing i think, once you've made up your mind to cheat, it will happen no matter what.

u talk as if chics re different,dnt they lie 2, make una leave matter for mathais
Posted: at 31-05-2008 02:56 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Vixenx at 31-05-2008 03:13 PM (16 years ago)
I don't think you really believe that, or else you wouldn't be writing in that bright yellow.
Posted: at 31-05-2008 03:13 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- vincenice at 31-05-2008 06:57 PM (16 years ago)
guys lie because dats wat  ladies understand most Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 31-05-2008 06:57 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- uk2k at 31-05-2008 08:54 PM (16 years ago)
guys tell lie, cos they feel it shows their manliness
Posted: at 31-05-2008 08:54 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- fjoeaug at 31-05-2008 11:46 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: sparkandy on 31-05-2008 02:36 PM
To add to that, guys dont lie, they just tell u what u want to hear...... in order to make u happy.... and they always end up making u happy............
says who? Grin Grin
Posted: at 31-05-2008 11:46 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- fjoeaug at 31-05-2008 11:50 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: vincenice on 31-05-2008 06:57 PM
guys lie because dats wat  ladies understand most Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
it means d guy is not matured Cool Cool wat made u think is like dat? bcos dey keep quiet doesn't mean dey do not know wats up. d gals want PEACE. so y must d guys lie always
Posted: at 31-05-2008 11:50 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- muyis4me at 1-06-2008 07:27 AM (16 years ago)
Men lie true but women course it, cos wen u tell them the trueth they won listen to u.so is not our fault

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Posted: at 1-06-2008 07:27 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- ugodaniels at 1-06-2008 10:49 AM (16 years ago)
We DONT LIE, we only tell girls wat they wanna hear...and they swallow it hook, line and sinker!!

Posted: at 1-06-2008 10:49 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Continental at 1-06-2008 10:50 AM (16 years ago)
must guy lie because there not faithful to there Patna's,if u are faithful, and u know u love Ur Patna's u won't be able lie to her
Posted: at 1-06-2008 10:50 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- ugodaniels at 1-06-2008 10:53 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: Continental on  1-06-2008 10:50 AM
must guy lie because there not faithful to there Patna's,if u are faithful, and u know u love Ur Patna's u won't be able lie to her

bruv depends on wat you call a padna...there can be more than one of them...dnt you think?

Posted: at 1-06-2008 10:53 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- osituga at 1-06-2008 03:50 PM (16 years ago)
Posted: at 1-06-2008 03:50 PM (16 years ago) | Hero
- 9ja-francais at 1-06-2008 09:56 PM (16 years ago)
I think SOME men lie because SOME ladies put them in a situation to do nothing but lie. Undecided
Posted: at 1-06-2008 09:56 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- babyblack at 1-06-2008 10:04 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: Hutlikfire on 18-05-2008 03:36 PM
Quote from: welli on 17-05-2008 05:47 PM
its in deir nature to lie.as it is impossible to stop dem frm aving a rod Nbtwin deir legs ,so its impossible 4 dem to stop lyin Sad Angry

Well guys actually tell girls what they want to hear!! If that's some untruth, then so be it!!
   telling girls what they like to hear hmm what bout u telling them what they dont want to hear n lets see how that works. guys are just fools for real pretending to be smart they sure will be paid back some day
Posted: at 1-06-2008 10:04 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- 9ja-francais at 1-06-2008 10:09 PM (16 years ago)

[/quote]   telling girls what they like to hear hmm what bout u telling them what they dont want to hear n lets see how that works. guys are just fools for real pretending to be smart they sure will be paid back some day

Hola!babyblack, it seems u've been hurt by a guy b4"they sure will pay back some day"lol. No worries babes.It's all good. Cheesy
Posted: at 1-06-2008 10:09 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- naughty at 1-06-2008 11:33 PM (16 years ago)
i agree wit u ... for all have sinned and fall short the glory of God. we are all sinners.. we r only trying to b perfect... der r some silly things u do atimes dat u wouldn't want pple to know about....u can only lie to cover up.....if u lie nd smile or guys who take lies seriously...it doesn't matter, lie na lie. we all do it one way or  the other.. girls,  it would have bn better if we don't lie at all, then we can have a say or rather a point. since we all do it , abeg bone am.
Posted: at 1-06-2008 11:33 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- osituga at 1-06-2008 11:38 PM (16 years ago)
Posted: at 1-06-2008 11:38 PM (16 years ago) | Hero
- 9ja-francais at 1-06-2008 11:44 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: naughty on  1-06-2008 11:33 PM
i agree wit u ... for all have sinned and fall short the glory of God. we are all sinners.. we r only trying to b perfect... der r some silly things u do atimes dat u wouldn't want pple to know about....u can only lie to cover up.....if u lie nd smile or guys who take lies seriously...it doesn't matter, lie na lie. we all do it one way or  the other.. girls,  it would have bn better if we don't lie at all, then we can have a say or rather a point. since we all do it , abeg bone am.
Based on this i rest my case on this one Naughty!
Posted: at 1-06-2008 11:44 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- osituga at 1-06-2008 11:51 PM (16 years ago)
Posted: at 1-06-2008 11:51 PM (16 years ago) | Hero
- Don-Tega at 2-06-2008 01:54 AM (16 years ago)
From what I've observed, most lies come as a result of fear. Be it fear of getting caught, scolded or most of the time losing something really precious. This might sound ridiculous but i heard a couple of people say they lie to protect their partner (trust me i can attest to that!). Can you really handle the truth if told?? that's a question y'all need to ask yourselves.
Posted: at 2-06-2008 01:54 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
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