Why do Nigerians Abroad Like To Go Back 'Home' To Marry (Page 9)

Date: 05-11-2010 2:01 am (14 years ago) | Author: Jesus for president
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- ogeloveable at 10-11-2010 11:33 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: juleshotluv on  5-11-2010 02:01 AM
In line with a topic on here: Why do people go back to their home country to marry? Say for someone who reside in the United States, when they want to marry, they go back to their country. And its mostly common among the men...Why?

For me i ''personally'' think is because they've messed up so much in whatever country they are in  Shocked  and it's only a gal that doesn't ''really know'' what d guy is capable of will want 2 ''settle down wiv him'  Wink'.    
PS: My view!!!
Posted: at 10-11-2010 11:33 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- luv2bnafrica at 11-11-2010 05:07 AM (14 years ago)
If some one can not love you for who you are, then maybe where he choose to get married is truly of non  importance. I agree to some extent American people have come to value marriage less, thus resulting in few who are deemed marriage material. All men want a woman of virtue. as well as women want a man who will take care of his family, and provide love and security. That does not mean that there aren't any good women at all, sometimes the good women get taken advantage of because of the misconception that all western or European women are bad. There are good women here within the United States that have been used for merely a green card, when in fact they cooked, cleaned, worked, took care of their man, quiet, responsible, etc.  It is at most irritating when everyone is judged by a select few. If women within the United states or Europe are not marriage material then they are not good enough to provide you with a green card either. Wrong is wrong and right is right. One must ask where are you finding these so call no good women, and have you changed tactics. I was married to a nigerian, and I didn't fit the description of such a bad women. I even took care of his child caused by  his affair. So tell me who is bad. How many African women from the motherland can say they would do the same. Everyone needs to stop this nonsense and don't judge everyone by western culture or the lack thereof. There are needles in the haystack you just have to know where to look. We are all human, with the same desires we must learn how we can better relate and understand one another. I don't judge all Nigerian's by what my ex did though most people probably would.
Posted: at 11-11-2010 05:07 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- pesu at 11-11-2010 11:37 AM (14 years ago)
to  have a good wife
Posted: at 11-11-2010 11:37 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- chinedu1000 at 11-11-2010 03:31 PM (14 years ago)
is because no place like home,mean while is good to marry here because,the woman we know about the tradition than the white girl.
Posted: at 11-11-2010 03:31 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- ogeloveable at 11-11-2010 09:19 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: luv2bnafrica on 11-11-2010 05:07 AM
If some one can not love you for who you are, then maybe where he choose to get married is truly of non  importance. I agree to some extent American people have come to value marriage less, thus resulting in few who are deemed marriage material. All men want a woman of virtue. as well as women want a man who will take care of his family, and provide love and security. That does not mean that there aren't any good women at all, sometimes the good women get taken advantage of because of the misconception that all western or European women are bad. There are good women here within the United States that have been used for merely a green card, when in fact they cooked, cleaned, worked, took care of their man, quiet, responsible, etc.  It is at most irritating when everyone is judged by a select few. If women within the United states or Europe are not marriage material then they are not good enough to provide you with a green card either. Wrong is wrong and right is right. One must ask where are you finding these so call no good women, and have you changed tactics. I was married to a nigerian, and I didn't fit the description of such a bad women. I even took care of his child caused by  his affair. So tell me who is bad. How many African women from the motherland can say they would do the same. Everyone needs to stop this nonsense and don't judge everyone by western culture or the lack thereof. There are needles in the haystack you just have to know where to look. We are all human, with the same desires we must learn how we can better relate and understand one another. I don't judge all Nigerian's by what my ex did though most people probably would.

If i say u are 100% right, then i'm not honest. U just said it allll. U don't some1 based on d actions of another.
Posted: at 11-11-2010 09:19 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- rbk06 at 12-11-2010 04:41 PM (14 years ago)
yeah! i prefer marry here in Europe but some of our girls go born white for u instead of black
Posted: at 12-11-2010 04:41 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- peaceben at 12-11-2010 04:50 PM (14 years ago)
cos some parent love their children to marry in their home town especially we the ibos parent don't like their children to marry out side their home town.
Posted: at 12-11-2010 04:50 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- 4kasibe247 at 12-11-2010 05:01 PM (14 years ago)
 ;)it all depends on both gender if they have a committed relationship b4 travelling abroad...i personally don't think going back home to marry on ds instance shld be a problem....
Posted: at 12-11-2010 05:01 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Datu at 13-11-2010 06:45 AM (14 years ago)
True, if the Guys marry and remain in Nigeria with their wives it makes sense. But taking the women to another environment and not expecting them to change? When the same society (over there) has changed the Guys in one way or the other? It is impossible.
Come Marry in Nigeria and Stay. And Respect your Woman the Way you Respect Abroad.
Posted: at 13-11-2010 06:45 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- preciouslyme at 13-11-2010 08:27 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: juleshotluv on  5-11-2010 02:01 AM
In line with a topic on here: Why do people go back to their home country to marry? Say for someone who reside in the United States, when they want to marry, they go back to their country. And its mostly common among the men...Why?

because the ones out here have sampled each other so they go home marry the one that supposedly comes from a good home, anyone who has sampled her is thousands of miles away, that way when ever they go to parties no one can whisper. "I don already enter am"lol
Posted: at 13-11-2010 08:27 AM (14 years ago) | Hero
- msthang4u at 14-11-2010 03:53 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: juleshotluv on  5-11-2010 02:01 AM
In line with a topic on here: Why do people go back to their home country to marry? Say for someone who reside in the United States, when they want to marry, they go back to their country. And its mostly common among the men...Why?

Let me answer you by being a woman from the United States. Most african men come to our country and date, live with and even marry American woman and understand we are not the type of woman that take nonsense and keep quite, we demand respect in every issue. They go home and marry looking for your type that keep quite, take what you see and know how to obey without question.... the funny part about it is that there are so many divorcee nigerians in america WHY? because once these women cross the waters they understand a different lifestyle and know that here they can make it just like men and sadly even more in this white world. So instead of them dealing with the women that they grew to understand in order to cope in this side of the world they bring nigerian woman that end up being even worse that an american woman. At the end of the day and several kids they still end up with the woman that they ran from because nigerian womans behavior are worse than american women in our country. Take a survey and you will see that the divorce rate abroad is heavy.

Women that marry men abroad should take a long evaluation of themselves before coming here because they become in our country what is unexceptable in their cultural, most of them though say they dont care they dont plan on coming back there until their old if at all unless death. Well sorry to put it out there too you so drastically but the truth is the truth. Nigerian woman are the most cheap in evaluation they rather marry for money than love. Im only talking about the ones we see in our country.
Posted: at 14-11-2010 03:53 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- osaosifo at 14-11-2010 04:48 AM (14 years ago)
 ???Everyone seem to avoid the true reason why. Men go home to marry because they are looking for a wife more like their mother, and preferable a lady who grow up with Najia culture, morals and values. Fela said it best.-- 'Lady go say I be lady not be Africian woman. I no go dance fire dance." I do however recommend to those men who wish to go home and marry to take their time and know the lady and their family before jumping the broom stick. LOL.
Posted: at 14-11-2010 04:48 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- osaosifo at 14-11-2010 05:24 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: harakiri on 12-11-2010 10:02 PM
The problem with such men is that they fail to understand that ALL women are afflicted with "greener pasture" syndrome. Whenever you see them acting all "holy and nice" is because they have no better option that the present guy.How many guys who have come down to Nigeria to pick brides don't complain bitterly? As soon as the ladies get there and discover that women have more rights than men, e don finish be dat. They will overdo pass overdo. There is one i know who already had a kid for a guy in Nigeria, was living with the guys parents, the guy took her abroad and within a couple of years, the once "good and nice girl" was sueing the guy for child custody/support and his assets (which include the house he already had YEARS before he met her in Nigeria. The guy has lost the house to her and currently shares a flat with a struggling friend of his.On top of that, her boyfriends visit her at random at his OWN HOUSE whereas he cannot step in there unless during visitation weekends for his kids.Imagine the nonsense.
All these things make me wonder why guys bother themselves with marriage when all you need do is impregnate a woman or two for the sole purpose of having heirs.Anything else is self deception and not worth it one bit.
Nuff said!!!

Who is your friend? I have lived in the United state for the past 21 year. True, - Women have right. so do men. Your friend is not telling you everything. He should have gotten himself a good lawyer. The house by California law for example is his because he got it before he married her. Anything obtain during the married is subjet to division, and depending on who has custody, child support is issued to the non custodial parent. I agree women are more favored in custodial issues, because the presumption is a child need the mother more. You only need to prove she is unfit as a mother and you are the better parent. You get custody. Alimony payment is ordered depending on your finacial arrangement with her during marriage. If she never worked for example during your marriage. You may be ordered to pay alimony up to a year given her time to fine a JOB. lol

Posted: at 14-11-2010 05:24 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- osaosifo at 14-11-2010 06:31 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: typicalman84 on  9-11-2010 05:19 AM
And as for the dude who is complaining that his woman always wants him to cum in her mouth...if you do not like it, I would gladly volunteer to cum in your girls mouth all the time... I'm sure she would love it.
And you call yourself your father son. A son of Africia. Your parent must be very proud of you. LOL
Posted: at 14-11-2010 06:31 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- osaosifo at 14-11-2010 07:17 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: typicalman84 on 10-11-2010 01:23 AM
Quote from: juleshotluv on  9-11-2010 01:20 PM
Quote from: typicalman84 on  9-11-2010 05:19 AM
And as for the dude who is complaining that his woman always wants him to cum in her mouth...if you do not like it, I would gladly volunteer to cum in your girls mouth all the time... I'm sure she would love it.

you want to be hanged by saying this dont you? I almost got chewed..

Haha... No Hun... Not Typicalman84. None of them have the impetus to say crap to me.
Typicalman84, your papa no tell you make you no talk where grown people they talk. Keep your foolishness to yourself. I bet you never seen a woman naked. Talking such foolishness. If you do not respect yourself, have enough respect for others.
Posted: at 14-11-2010 07:17 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- sixtyhoneyy at 15-11-2010 01:38 AM (14 years ago)
thx, for that comment @osaosifo
Posted: at 15-11-2010 01:38 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- osaosifo at 15-11-2010 04:51 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: sixtyhoneyy on 15-11-2010 01:38 AM
thx, for that comment @osaosifo
U welcome.
Posted: at 15-11-2010 04:51 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Skip2D at 15-11-2010 04:50 PM (14 years ago)
because they want someone they can order about, someone that wont argue back, just cook, look half pretty and stay at home

then the girls at home who cant get a rich man try to attract naijas abroad at least that will take them out of 'their league'

the girl will stay at home initially watch naija movies 24/7 call friends and family, browse internet all day long(connecting with old friends) waiting for baba to come so they can cook
the guy will later start complaining about her 'laziness' she is always at home asking for this and that, complaing of her naija mentality duh and her slow self
forgettting why he wanted a girl from home

vicious circle- inadequate men +  awoof women

Posted: at 15-11-2010 04:50 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Chymax at 17-11-2010 07:46 PM (14 years ago)
i think it is necessary cos your home country is still where you belong no matter what.
Posted: at 17-11-2010 07:46 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- walerian at 19-11-2010 11:30 AM (14 years ago)
alot of segxwal immoralities traspires abroad than back home
some tribes in naija still get married to pure virgins
too much power given to women abroad
are major reasons our men return home for marriage.
Posted: at 19-11-2010 11:30 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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